The pet student

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                            Yuki pov
I look at the gang as everyone makes the class a mess "is there something u want" I look up from my book a mixture of annoyed and curious the head of the gang slams his fist on the table catching everyone attention he shouts"why is it the teacher treats you so special u damn teachers pet!"I sigh and look around and say"leave me alone I'm not in the mood to fight with you or answer you because it's none of your business okay u noisy monkey"he gets mad as people look at me thinking I'm dead meat he smirks and goes to punch me but before it lands iruka walks in with naruto as they're both smiling he sits down thinking he scares me and I keep reading my book
                  Third person pov
The boy wonders why Yuki isn't shaking scared when he suddenly hears something dripping he looks at his hand to see his knuckles bleeding like it hit something really hard he yells in pain
                             Iruka pov
Looks at the boy in pain as he's yelling "hey kego go to the nurses office"kego
Nods and runs to the nurses office I look at Yuki mad and say"Yuki outside now"she nods and walks outside I look at the class as they're in shock"class I'm just getting Yuki's side of the story I saw him about to punch her and I'm sure kego will be fine"they nod and I walk outside

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