Chapter 2 - The Smurf and the not-Smurf.

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Well Okura is crazy, isn't she?

English is not my first language so if you find mistakes I will love if you made me know. I don't have a beta if someone want the job just a MP.

I don't own Lord of the rings.


Okura is crazy, believe she is nuts. And she curses a lot when she is alone, really angry or scared.


Spanish— Okura is Mexican.

English or Westron

Thoughts are universals so it is don't have language.

So let's begging.

Mmm I'm not tired, but I am hungry I said to the forest— I know I am weird talking to the woods but I am alone and lost, so I need help to think and I don't think the trees would be angry at me for speak nonsense— well I ramble to myself. — but I don't want to eat my provisions the provisions have a long live so it will take at least two year for them to expire, well the tomatoes and peppers aren't going to last that long but I don't want to ate them now.

—Well I'm such an idiot! I'm walking side a river so I will eat fish... while I can — I took a web from my backpack, it is a little web with a circular frame so I can catch a fish or to with it I just need to wait in the middle of two rock and that it's. Not a lot of work and just wait a little. Obviously I walk to an ideal place to fish like this, no rapids, big rock and crystalline water...with some fish in sight.

It took like half an hour to find this ideal place. I place the web in the ideal place and secured it with my cord; I don't want to lose it, I just brought one. In the meantime I make a little bonfire.

Well fire ready, so to the fish! When I check the web I found two good size fish— Awesome! But I only need one so one of you is free— I said closing the net with my hand around the bigger one and dropping the other one.

Sorry Mr. Fish but I am going to eat, so I need to kill you— So I take the fish near the fire and I hit him hard in the head with a rock, I poke it with my finger hard to be sure is dead and it is not going to jump way when I am cleaning it. —Yep! It is dead! Sorry Mr. Fish so I cleaned it in the river so no crap that can get me problems with bigger animals. I put some spices from my backpack, yes I brought spices to a camp; I love to eat tasty food then put a stick trough the fish and then near the fire so it will cook fine.

I ate rapidly and clean. So it was easy to destroy de fire and make sure that the embers didn't start a fire later in this beautiful forest. —Done! As if no one had been here— It is safest in several ways, I don't know what other shit is out here.

I keep walking; the sun is getting to the highest in the sky so I think I have like four hours walking maybe I wake almost 9 in the morning. Normally in a good peace so "walking" I take one hour per kilometer (.62miles), now that I'm walking really fast, I mean I nearly running maybe 6 kilometers (3.72 miles). So I keep calculating my advance when I get to a high cliff. —Nop! I'm not climbing that! I like to climb and rappel but I am not that alone, I like all my body safe and whole! — So I decide to take a detour to the right because I am in the right side of the river and I don't want to drench my clothes and I not know how is going to be the temperature in this forest's night and I don't want hypothermia, Thank you very much!

I check the compass that I received from my late grandfather. From him I received a lot of books too about everything, whit a lot off practical knowledge, in a lot of things.

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