Why Do You Stay Here? - Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"HEY!" I stood up off the bench. "STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!" I pointed at all of them. Mostly Evan. "Whaa..?" Brain said confused. "You guys all look like your depressed!" Not really all of them only Luke and Evan. The rest of the guys looked restless and kind of angry at themselves.

"You guys look like your giving up! Are you giving up on finding Delirious?" I waited to get their responses. Ohm stood up and made a fist, and punched the air above him. "NO! We will find Delirious! And we won't give up!"

Lui and David followed after. "Yeah!" Brain and Brock were next. "Let's get em'!" Luke hopped right out of his seat "I'MA FIND MEH BROTHER!!" He yelled, almost all of the park heard him. We all looked at Evan who was still sitting.

I smiled and put out my hand. "So?" I said. He smiled back, and took my hand. "Let's do this."

MiniLadd POV

I was very tired. I had a huge headache. I opened my eyes and motioned my hand to my head and I felt a bump. "Ow." It stung. I looked around the room I was in. I was in a hospital. "Ok...?" I said out loud.

The last thing I remember was Jonathan being beat up by Felix. I had stepped in to help, but Felix swung me away and I fell on the metal leg of the chair and blacked out. Do I have a concussion or something? Why would I be in a hospital? I don't know, all I do know is my head hurts like crazy.

The door began to open and a nurse with dark brown hair that looked black, and bright blue eye, she kind of looked familiar. She walked in, and with someone following her. It was Tyler. "Tyler?!" I said cheerfully. He noticed I was awake and rushed to my side. "Your awake! How are you feeling? Are you ok? Who did this to you? I'll beat them up!"

"One question at a time Ty." I giggled. He laughed too. "How long have I been out?" I asked the question now, this time more serious. He looked at me straight in my eyes."Only 4 hours. The doctor said you were going to be out longer, but I knew you were a fighter." He gave me a caring, gentle smile. I smiled back.

I suddenly remembered about how much Felix beat up Jon. "Where's Jon? Is he ok?!" I sat up quickly ready to run out of the room. "Shh, chill! I don't know where he is, I don't know if he's ok. But I do know before we left to come here, he was going to the detention room probably for an hour or so. He's probably with Luke and Evan by now. He should be fine."

That 'should' and 'probably' did not persuade me to just 'chill'. "Jon? Would that by chance be a nick name for Jonathan? Like Jonathan Dennis?" The nurse said interrupting our conversation. I looked at her. "Is he here?" I asked.

"Oh yes, he is here. Do you know him?" She asked. I nodded. "How is he?" I asked again, she looked at me with a slight sad look. "Oh, well. Not to good, if I'm being honest with you." She frown, and so did I. 

"He has a broken rib and bruises all over his face and body. I swear more and more people come in looking like that. These gangs, I swear. Poor young boys and girls getting picked on in school, being beat up in the streets. There's no safe place here." I looked down, knowing it's the truth.

She sighed, "And the poor boy came running into the hospital crying! He then fainted exhaustion. Also I was assigned as his nurse." I paused before asking, "Could I go see him?"

"Oh well, I don't think he's awake right now. And also I think you are in no position to walk." She simply said. I looked down, sadden. "Please. He's my best friend. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. I hear Tyler made a sound besides me, I couldn't quite describe that sad sound.

I looked at him and grabbed his hand. Tyler wasn't my best friend anymore. He was my crush, my lover, my everything. My eyes reassured him, and told him just that. He nodded, and stood up. "Please nurse." Tyler asked.

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