Chapter five

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I guess voting is really hard :( tapping a button can be quite difficult. Sigh


We had finally escaped our lecture with management. It endured for eons. All they did was repeat the same things anyways. They ordered:

Me to hide my scars

Harry to deny anything

Harry to remain friends with me for publicity

Me to bring Harry as my date to the Brits

Oh joy. Now we were out walking a random old boardwalk on an LA beach. There were no paps thank goodness. Only hippies.

The sunlight was sparking off on the water and creating a glimmerings mirage-like image. The light refracted back up and illuminated Harry's green eyes. Dang, those were something. No wonder the girlies went for his guy. That's right! I did a google search for Harry Styles. Who's talkin' now?

I know all about One Dimesion. Or was it Once Direction? Whatever. He's in a band with Lewis, Zane, Neil, and Leroy. (I'm a Directioner. Not stupid. It's for the story) they started on some show. All I can remember is something about Katy Perry. Yeah. That's the extent of my knowledge.

OOH!! One Direction! That was it! Score for Madily! That's who's boss biatch!

Harry was mumbling on about how at least we got be be friends and shit. Yeah. Needless to say, I'm tuning the Cheshire chatter box out.

I turned and looked to him, "So seeing as we have to now be official friends, wanna work out before the Brits together?"

"Sure. Why not? I usually start at about seven thirty. You?"

"I'm about seven to eight. Come to my house at seven thirty. We can just jog to the gum and go from there. Cool?"

By then we had reached the end of the board and were almost done walking back.

"Yeah. That's cool."

We both turned to our separate cars.

"See you tomorrow."

We both got in.

"See ya."

We both shut out doors and drove back to our respective homes.


Idk bye.

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