"Answer me when I ask you a damn question," she said again making the girl next to me flinch and drop her head. "You said that was your other daughter and my younger sister. You never did tell me what happened to her though," she said. "Well I let Aunt Kirstie persuade me to kick her out of the house because she was gay when in all reality, I didn't care it was just too much yelling and I said just go and she left. The next day you came and yall dad called and told me that she would be living with him." Momma said crying. I go over to her and start rubbing her back, "Its ok momma I'm here now and I'm not mad at you if I'm mad at anyone it would be Aunt Kirstie for making you kick me out." "Hey get yo ugly ass up and get dressed and go bond with your sister," the girl just sat there picking at her nails. "Gabby. GABBY. GABRIELLA ESTELLA-" "Ok, ok I'm getting up jeez woman," she got up and got hit in the back of the head. "Get up the first time I tell you. Chrissy come eat," she said getting up and walking to the kitchen. "I already ate momma," I said sitting at the island and she turned around pointing the knife that she was cutting strawberries with at me. "It wasn't a question and where is my nephew and that white girl he been running around with?" she asked referring to Kiara and Jimmy. "Ma she's mixed with white and black and they're not together anymore." I say walking to where she was popping a strawberry in my mouth. "I would have left her crazy ass too the bitch stabbed him in the leg after all. Couldn't walk for a month. Here's ya breakfast she said handing me a plate with a weird looking waffle. "It's a Nutella waffle just taste it." she said putting two more on a plate and setting it next to me. I cut mine and pour syrup on it before taking a bite. "You made Nutella waffles thank you mommy." Gabby said hugging her. "Ok, ok, get yo 6'10 ass offa me." She says pushing her off of her. "I'm actually only 5'8 so haha." She said sitting down next to me scarfing down her food. "Hungry much?" I ask putting my plate in the sink. She rolls her eyes flipping me off. "Whatever come on Chrissy Poo." She said dragging me out of the house and into a purple hummer. "Really a purple hummer?" I ask getting into the car. "Yes bitch. Purple is the color of royalty and I'm a kingpin." She said starting the car and pulling out the driveway. "I know." I mumble scrolling through my phone then I bumped my head on the dashboard and feel cold metal on my head. "Nigga the actual fuck is your problem. You could have at least warned me before stopping the car. Is this how you treat sister that you just found out about today?" I said rubbing my head and looking at her.

I look in her direction and she had a gun pointed in my face. "How the fuck did you know I was a kingpin? Who told you about me?" she asked. I rolled my eyes, "I mean you don't exactly look like you work at the supermarket do you. You have that look that just screams 'I sell drugs.' Your car does smell like weed and so do you. Plus, you just seem like one." I said and she put the gun under the seat where I assume it was hidden and started driving. "Welp sorry for that. But on another note, how old are you?" she says her eyes on the road. "I'm 22 so that makes you 23 am I, right?" I ask and she nods. "So, you're a basketball player I hear?" she says. "I am how did you know?" I ask confused. "I looked you up your pretty good by the way. When is your next game?" she says looking over at me and I look at our schedule. "Our next home game that we have is on January 13th" I say locking my phone and the car stops. I look up and we were at a Dave and Busters. I get out the car and walk into the building with her. There were kids and adults roaming around playing games and having fun. We walk past the front desk and she hands me a card and we walk over to the card reload station. She hands me 3 twenties and I put them on the card. We spent the whole day playing games and felt like we were in a competition. She got more tickets than me but it didn't matter we were just having fun. We were on the way back because momma said she was cooking food and that we had better not gotten anything else to eat. We were walking to the car when someone yelled something. I didn't pay it any attention until it was yelled again. "M.A." the person called we kept walking until we got to the car. "M.A. I know you hear me calling you!" they yelled and Gabby turned around. "Bitch what the fuck do you want?" she said getting angry. "First you cheat on me, then you ignore my calls, then you say 'Yea we should leave each other alone then,' and now I catch you with another bitch, no offense to you, what is going on talk to me. I've been trying to talk to you about it I want to forgive you but you're not giving me the chance to." She said and we looked at each other laughing for a good minute. "Hi, I'm her sister we were just having a sister day. I'll let you guys talk nice meeting you." I say walking back to the car and sitting down waiting for them to finish talking.10 minutes later Gabby comes back in the car and closes the door. After sitting there for a few seconds and then she hits the steering wheel making the horn honk. "You want to talk about it?" I ask locking my phone and she nods her head. "Well start with why she called you M.A. and why you have that on your arm." I suggest pointing to the tattoo on her arm.

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