Chapter Eight

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It was no accident that Lendar was here in this particular prison. A man like him didn't go to prison unless it served a purpose, served as part of a plan. He had been on a long journey, and his ship needed simple repairs and a full fuel package. And when IPAC confiscated a ship, they did that work for free because they had no intention of giving back the ship back to its owner. Lendar knew this, and so he planned to take his ship back himself once they were done fixing it up.

When you're arrested for firing on an IPAC starship cruiser, it's mandatory for them to seize your ship. Then you're given a one-year sentence before they scheduled a final judgment. It only seemed fitting that they provided him with food and a home while they performed the desired upkeep of his ship for him. Lendar preyed on his knowledge of IPAC protocol and rested until the opportune moment.

Not only had he planned this coup as a means to repair and fuel his ship, he'd shot at the only IPAC cruiser stationed near this particular prison. Which just so happened to be the only prison space station housing a fully functioning ship repair dock. This had kept his ship close at hand. His timing had been well thought out, for just yesterday, the guards had mocked him about scheduling his ship for transport in a few days. He'd been planning on leaving for that reason alone, but now the etching on his chest, burning him alive, meant he needed to move even faster.

Being locked in a cell this long with limited food had weakened him. He exercised as much as he could, but he still kept losing weight. Even so, the calling from his chest had ignited inside him a desire for the disk. A desire built on a foundation of both hatred and need. A desire fueled by a longing only one who has seen true devastation could understand. He hated the disk for what it did. He needed it for the power source within the spheres. He wanted to destroy it for the devastation it wielded.

Lendar focused himself. He was ready.

The first step was to escape from his cell, recover his ship, and flee the prison station.

The time was now.

"Guard!" he called out with a weak voice, unused for months.

He cleared his throat and called again, "Guard!" His voice deepened to its normal growl.

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