Author's Note

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Oh my god I may be sadder right now than when I finished Unknown Colours...

Okay, so I loved writing this fic. Not just this one, but A Summer's Dream too. I'm talking about both of them here. But I loved them, the whole idea and all the different things I could do with it. And also writing the summer chapters outside in the sun while writing the winter chapters in the cold. It was in time with my seasons :P

But woah it's over now and...I'm going to miss this so much. But stories must come to an end, for nothing can last forever.

Thank you everyone who has made it through both books, through both seasons. It's been fun ^_^ And all your comments are the absolute light of my life

I guess I will be able to come back to this a few times in Fourth Wall but it won't really be the same...

Well, thank you everyone :) And 62k reads is insane and even though I get numbers like that on my books it well never seem any less surreal because wow...

Again, thank you :) Thanks for going through this story with me, and I hope you had as much fun as I did :)

*Gives everyone pie of your choice* 

Now, just like a season, this story must end.

Until next time :)

A Winter Storm (SEQUEL to A Summer Dream)Where stories live. Discover now