5 - Not Quite to Plan

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Cas hesitated.

What more needs to be said than Cas hesitated.

Dean watched him carefully for a moment, half expectantly and half already knowing he wasn't going to get a reply.

"I know you can't say it back," Dean said quietly. "But I just thought you should know."

"Five years Dean," Cas said. "How can you be sure?"

"If feelings aren't real they fade over time. And if anything mine only got stronger. So yes I still love you."

"How do you know I'm the same person from back then?"

"Well," Dean said with a small smile. "You're awkward, you study psychology, you cautiously take notes on everything before you make a move. You're quite a lot like your summer self I'd say."

"But you can't know for sure," Cas said.

"And that is what spending time with each other is for," Dean said, raising an eyebrow. "Castiel Novak, if we can ignore everything that happened in the past for a moment, would you like to go on a date with me?" He smiled kind of sadly. "We never did actually go on a date..."

"You say ignore the past for a moment and then relate it to the past," Cas said. "Definitely seems like a thing you'd do." He paused for a moment. "Okay. Okay I'll go on a date with you but..." He didn't know how to put his struggle into words.

Dean smiled softly. "It's okay Cas, I get it. Therapists huh."

"Is this what you guys feel like when I do it to you?" Cas asked.

"Nah, you actually do it well. You don't mess with our minds, you just try to understand them."

"Stupid therapist," Cas muttered. "She was the only one we could afford at the time. Seeing as she was technically family."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "More family?"

Cas nodded. "I don't even know how we were related this time. Her name was Naomi, she comes from the assbutt side of the family."

Dean smiled. "You still use that insult."

"That's because it's the best insult," Cas said, returning the smile. They stayed like that for a moment, just smiling at each other.

"You still have to pay to fix the car though," Dean said.

"Come on," Cas said, in almost a whiny tone. "Luci and Mike only did that so I had a reason to come back."

Dean chuckled, going back to the computer to finish with the car stuff. "How are they by the way? Married yet?"

Cas scoffed. "They promised they'd invite you to the wedding. They're literally waiting for you guys."

"I guess that means they can get married now," Dean said, smiling. He finished on the computer then walked back over to Cas, looking at the wallet in his hand. "You...the photo..."

"I've always had that with me," Cas said, taking the wallet and smiling at the photo. "The rest are all safe in my dorm room."

"Oh you must go to the same college as Sam..." Dean trailed off. "Sam saw Gabriel."

"I know," Cas said. "I...talked to Sam."

Dean looked at Cas with surprise. "Why didn't he tell me?"

"I told him not to," Cas said. "He trusts my judgement...including what I said to do with Gabriel. Trust me when I say their situation is more complicated than ours."

"How exactly?" Dean asked. "I mean, your mind has literally been messed with."

"Gabe will distance himself the moment he finds out it's Sam," Cas said. "He doesn't know right now..."

A Winter Storm (SEQUEL to A Summer Dream)Where stories live. Discover now