Chapter Eleven - Never let a psychopath Escape

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Castiel was angry. Angry at Dean, sure but more angry at his loyal subjects for letting the bastard get away. He had already shot two of them in the head.

"Calm down, Cas. He couldn't have gone far." Gabriel sighs, looking down at the bodies. "Just send people out to find him."

Castiel growls in annoyance and grabs the closest henchman to him.

"If you don't find him within the hour, I will slit your god damned throat. Understood?" The henchman nods and runs out of the door faster then one could say Harley Quinn.

"Oh Harley." Castiel sighs in annoyance, finally relaxing and he leans against the door. "Where have you gone, love."


Dean was in a panic. He had killed his own father. He couldn't blame anyone but himself, as much as he wanted to blame the joker for this mess. What made everything ten times worse was that he and Castiel were now all over the damn news. They had started calling him the "queen" of Gotham city. Whatever the hell that meant.

Everywhere he would could, people would notice him. And it's as if he had anywhere to go anyway. Castiel didn't exactly pay him to go out and kill people; he just stayed in the Novak mansion for free, occasionally paying for rent with one or two sexual favours. But they didn't do it that often. Castiel was barely even there that much.

Dean knew the only place people might not notice him, or at least not care enough to notice him was the homeless shelter that was on the corner of Main Street. He had stayed there a few times in the past when he didn't have a home to live in, but all in all; the place wasn't so bad. He just wished there was some more privacy in the place, but instead it was just rows and rows of beds lined up in a large hall. If someone for there early enough, they would manage to get one of the few rooms; but most of them just slept on the hall.

Dean got into line and pulled his hood up to hide his face against the few jeers that looked his way. But overall, no one really noticed or recognised him, especially without all the ridiculous make up on. Dean had absolutely no idea how in the world he had gotten Castiel to talk him into doing that with him. Maybe it was because he loved Castiel. Not even Dean new for sure how he felt about the joker though.

All he knew is that whatever Dean felt; Castiel did not feel the same way.


Castiel was watching the news, fidgeting in annoyance. The first henchman had already come back without a Dean by his side so Castiel of course was forced to kill him. The second one hadn't come back at all, so Castiel had guessed he had failed him. He would have to deal with the runaway later however. He had more important matters to deal with.

"So do you think that this whole joker and Harley Quinn persona is just an act. You don't believe they actually hurt anyone except for the people who deserve to get hurt?" The woman on the television asked the man beside her, interviewing him. A picture of dean in his attire came up, and Castiels heart skipped a small beat. God damn, he looked fine in those clothes.

"All I'm saying is, maybe the joker and Harley are doing an actual better job than the police are! Crime rates have actually gone down since Novak took on his fathers company and within one night he got rid of the gangsters that were terrorising our streets."

"Yes, but apparently he did it by killing them all." The interviewer said with a raised eyebrow.

"There was no evidence of that."

"Yes but-"

"No evidence." Castiel snorted at the man who was trying to defend him. Bless him, he had absolutely no idea what the hell he was talking about.

Castiel stood up and brushed himself down, sending out another group of henchmen to look for Joe Dean Winchester. Where the hell could the little brat have got too?


It was late in the evening of the second day dean had gone missing. Castiel was getting angry all over again his the incompetence of his damn men.

"WHEN I TELL YOU TO FIND SOMEBODY, I EXPECT YOU TO DO IT! PRONTO!" He shouted at the top of his voice while his siblings held onto the bridge of their noses and shook their heads. Castiel got out his gun and pointed it at a mans head but before he could pull the trigger there was a loud ring through the house. It was the sound of the doorbell.

"Damn it. Go and answer." Castiel snapped at the scared man before lowering his gun. He had killed enough of his men already, he decided not to waste any more lives today. Castiel was about to sit down until he heard a commotion from the doorway.

"I demand that you let me in! I don't give a shit how big you are, I could take you!" A voice came from the door and Castiel looked at his siblings in confusion. Who the hell would come into his house and speak like that.

"I said let me the fuck in!"

Castiel walks out of the living room with his family following close behind and towards the front door. His henchman was holding back a tall man with quite long brown hair, who was struggling to try and get into the house.

"What is going on here?" Castiel said in a smooth tone, looking up at the angry younger man calmly.

"I'll tell you what's going on!" The man pointed at him and Castiel grimaced. "You've kidnapped my brother and made him into something he's not. I'm here to bring him the fuck back to reality (woop there goes gravity) ."

"Your brother?" Castiel asks blandly, his eyes glazing over.


"And who might I ask, is your brother?" Castiel was already getting bored of the conversation and has reached into the back of his jeans to retrieve his gun. He feels a hand grip his wrist though and turns slightly to see it was gabriel holding onto him tightly, but was still looking up in awe at the taller man in front of them.

"Dean Winchester! And I want him back!"

"Ahhh." Castiel started laughing and took his hand off of his gun, making Gabriel let go of his wrist. "So you're little sammy Winchester Huh? The boy who let his older brother be used and abused by his own father and then turned away from him when dean needed him the most."

"What are you talking about?" Sams eyes narrowed, his breath catching in his throat, but Castiel ignored his question.

"Actually, it's rather perfect that you're here. You see, my little Harley has decided to run away and join the circus."

Castiel grinned wide. The horrible grin that made the two scars on each each split slightly and make his mouth seem a lot larger than it actually was.

"And why is it perfect that I'm here?" Sam asked, his eyes narrowing as he stood up straighter, becoming suspicious of the jokers evil grin.

"Because dear boy," Castiel clicked his fingers and two men grabbed Sam by both arms and squeezed tightly, making the younger winchesters heart pound loudly in his stomach in fear. "Because my little Harley would never say no to coming back, especially if we had his dear little brother at the unfortunate end of my knife."

Sam whimpered and tried struggling out of the men's grip, but to no avail. He looked back at the joker with a serious and scared expression and Castiel tutted slightly.

"Aw darling." He walked up to the younger brother of dean and got right in his face, putting his knife to the tall mans cheeks. "Why so serious?"

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