❝ n i n e t e e n ❞

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"So.. what is it then?"

Hoseok stayed silent as he pursed his lips together, before looking down at the cake and pouting at the fact that Yoongi didn't get the idea at all.

He scrunched his nose before looking up at Yoongi, not knowing how to phrase it in a way which didn't sound awkward, the tension slowly building up.

"Well, how should I..." Hoseok trailed off with uncertainty, his eyes darting from objects to objects, to anything that wasn't Yoongi, as he let out a little cough to hide his nervousness.

Hoseok opened his mouth to speak, but instead, heard the chair loudly pushed back with a screech, before he found himself staring right back into a pair of eyes. 


Right. He was so near.
Practically right in front of his face.

Then he felt it.
It seemed hesitant, unsure but it happened anyway.
He felt the elder's soft, thin lips on his dry and cracked one.
As soon as their lips met, the feeling of uncertainty vanished, and it was all a feeling of love and comfort.

Hoseok had no idea how to react. He stiffened for the first few seconds, but something drew him in to relax.

Yoongi's approach was far from harsh. It was like what a first willing kiss should be.

It was gentle, and it was long.
But most importantly, it felt sincere
Hoseok loved the feeling of it. It was his first.

When Hoseok felt Yoongi's lips brought away from his, his eyes fluttered open and he pouted. He took a glance at Yoongi's face, which showed a small brush of pink by his cheeks.

Yoongi leaned back and plopped himself down into his chair, unfortunately failing to hide how flustered he was by clearly avoiding eye contact with the younger male.

"Your eyes."


Hoseok muttered a question in return with a puzzled look.

"They asked for that. Didn't they?"


Hoseok nervously shrugged, unsure of what to say in return.
He meant to have taken initiative before, but shyness overwhelmed him. Yet he was thankful, for Yoongi's courage.

Hoseok's head snapped up again at hearing Yoongi's voice, meeting a small grin on Yoongi's face.

"Well I was waiting, but you were spacing out there. So I'll do it."


"Jung Hoseok."

Yoongi stood up, slightly intimidating Hoseok as his eyes trailed with Yoongi's every small action.

"Please date me. Oh wait, how do you say it?

Please be my boyfriend?"

Yoongi let out confused questions before he realised he hadn't come prepared, earning a big smile from Hoseok as he stood up.

"Please be my boyfriend, date me."

"I will."

"Is this the first date?"

"Yes. With the cake!"

"Your eyes have stars,

"Then yours have the galaxy,


The most genuine face feature in a person.
The ones that tell the hundred hidden emotions from a curved lip.

basically, this fanfiction has come to an end!!👏
thank you all for the support for this,
i decided to end this simply without too long a storyline that can make
this go longer than chapter twenty.

i love you guys so much for the
support i received and i hope you
can give the same amount of support
for my new fanfiction for jingyeom
❝ w r i t t e n ❞

thank you!☆
i'm thinking of adding a bonus
chapter 20 but idk. i will most likely but it isnt confirmed yet.
stay updated though!)

thank you.

eyes ↯ yoonseokOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz