[12]Viridian Stop!!

Start from the beginning

Ash:Well yeah,I know the Pikachu in the wild is not friendly so I understand but this Pikachu is been with me since I'm just a child,so me and Pikachu is kinda brothers,Right Buddy?😃

Pikachu:Pikachu!!(That's right)😊

Prof.Oak:Ohhh what a great find,Ash you mostly have a bright future ahead of you,I'm sure of it😃

Ash:Hehehe,I kinda like what you said about me Professor😆

Prof.Oak:I'm glad you understand Ash,So Leaf I'm sure you here because of your first Pokémon and Pokedex correct?😃

Leaf:Ah--Yes Professor,Now that you mentioned it😄

Prof.Oak go to his lab and back with some pokeballs and pokedex in a tray.

Prof.Oak:Here choose one,Remember these pokemons is the same you use in the summer camp all those years ago😃

Leaf:Really!!,Then I'm gonna Bulbasaur😆

Prof.Oak:Great choice,Here your pokedex and five empty pokeballs,Take care of Bulbasaur alright!!😃

Leaf:I'm on it Professor!!😃

Then just Professor is about to head back to his lab,one of the pokeballs opened and revealed a Charmander who suddenly jump into Ash feet hugging him tightly.

Ash:Woah!!!,Charmander is that you,its been a long time😃

Prof.Oak:I kinda know that's gonna happened,you know Ash since you left the camp Charmander is really miss you and I understand that its like to come with you on your journey😃

Ash:Really is that right Charmander,you want to come with me?😃


Ash:Then it decided,Welcome to the team Chamander!!😃

Ash put Charmander down to the floor and grab his pokeball from the tray and put it into his belt.

Prof.Oak:So Leaf are you going to come with Ash in his journey or go solo?😃

Leaf:Well i kinda like to come with Ash but I decided to go in my own journey😉

Prof.Oak:I understand,So Ash are you going to the Virdian city first?😃

Ash:Yup thats my first stop😃

Leaf:Can I come with you to Virdian city Ash,That also my first stop😃

Ash:Sure Leaf😃

Prof.Oak:Okay looks like you two is all settled up,I'm hope you two the best of luck😃

Leaf:Thanks Professor,We'll be on our way,Bye Professor🙋

Ash and Leaf gave them their goodbyes to ProfessorOak and left Pallet Town together.

While walking to Viridian City Leaf is slowly following behind Ash while thinking of something important.

Leaf:(Ash is all grown up now,he looks so much handsome now and cute,If I do something now maybe he--).😳

Leaf stop thinking when Ash stop right in front of her holding his pokedex.

Ash:Leaf look a Pidgeotto😃

Leaf also look at the bird pokemon who sleeping in its nest on the top of a tree,when Ash releases his own Bulbasaur.

Leaf:Wow you also have a Bulbasaur Ash,That's amazing😃

Ash:Hehehe,Okay Bulbasaur poison Powder then Vine Whip!!!😃

Bulbasaur walked closely to the tree and releases her Poison Powder to Pidgeotto who just notice Bulbasaur attack.

Ash:Grab it hurry,Then use Razor Leaf!!!😐

Bulbasaur wrap her vines to Pidgeotto who got weakened by the poison and got attacked by razor sharp leafs causing Pidgeotto to fainted and unable to battle.

Ash:Nice and Shift,Great work Bulbasaur,I take it from here Go Pokeball!!😃

Ash gently touch his pokeball to the unconscious Pidgeotto releasing a red ray sucking the pokemon to the pokeball.

It shake few times then settled making a "ping" sound meaning the pokemon was caught.

Ash:Great now I caught a Pidgeotto😃

Leaf:Great work Ash,that's was a amazing😄

Ash:Thanks Leaf,So can we continue our way,I need to go to the Pokemon center for Pidgeotto,I kinda hurt him a little because of the poison.😃

Leaf:Sure Ash,Come on😄

They arrived at the Viridian city and stop by at the center to let Nurse Joy take care of their pokemon while they in the city.

Ash:Made it,That's was fast😃

Leaf:So Ash,Are you going to talk to her now?😃

Ash:Who?.......,Oh yeah Serena,(sigh)Okay let's talk to her😓

Ash sigh again and headed inside the center following Leaf to the phone booth.

Leaf:Ready Ash?😊

Ash:Yeah I'm ready😃

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