"I should have killed her and that disgusting husband of hers once I found out what happened to you, my boy, my precious prince. Who should have never had to lift a finger for anything in his life. You should have been raised how-... Never mind. The past doesn't matter now, what matters is the present and the future. You have a good life now Gabriel and I hate that this news is going to change that. You're finally happy." A sad look went across her face and my heart aches for her. Whatever troubled my Queen I wanted it to disappear and never concern her again.

"What is it my Goddess? What ills you? I want to help." My voice is filled with desperation and need. A small smile went across her face that did quite reach her eyes.

"Oh my son, you will. Unfortunately you have to. You're the only one who can stop this, this darkness from arising." She took a deep breath before continuing.

"There's going to be a war Gabriel. A war that will either keep the Super Natural world a safe and a secret or destroy us all. There is someone out there, who stole  half of a prophecy, a prophecy that you have the first half of. He using it to create an army, a army of all super naturals across the world that are tired of living in hiding. They want to out us to humans, create a war and then take over. They're preparing as we speak." She finished and all I could do was once again, stare.

Ana was right. There is going to be a war. But why now? We've been in hiding since almost the beginning of time, why do they want to out us now? Who is behind all of this?

"I-i... Why can't you stop this? You're the Goddess of all super naturals. Tell them that, that they can't do this! It's against your laws." I could tell my voice was raising at the end and I tried to gain control.

"I can't do that Gabriel. Unfortunately my hands are tied in this matter. I want to help, I really do. But a force, a force that I cannot name is holding me back. They have a chain practically wrapped around my neck and I can only watch. That is why I came to you, my son. The prince of the Moon. A being that is almost as powerful as I am, a being who is more powerful than any other creature on this Earth. Please I need your help or all is lost."

She's giving me a choice, practically begging me to help her but she's giving me a choice. I know that if I wanted to I could walk away right now and she would let me. I could pick up Ana and go back to the pack house. Ignore all that is happening and let this war take place. But then how many people would this affect? How many people would die or get hurt? John, Adam, Michael, Ana, my sweet little Annabelle who's smile can light up an entire room. James. I freezer at that. James, my mate. The one who caused me so much pain and suffering. The man who I wanted to hate with every fiber in my being but couldn't could die. And if he died, I'd die. I'd end up like Ana, if I survived that is. Smiling and laughing on the outside but dead on the inside with nothing left to live for to want. I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let my other half die, I couldn't... But could I? It'd be so much easier if he was dead. Maybe this longing and pain will eventually end. I would wake up in the middle of the night in tears begging for him to love me like how I love him.

"It won't go away Gabriel. No matter what you do the pain won't go away. His death will tear you apart from the inside out, like it did to Ana over there. It will ruin you. More than the rejection that you faced ever could." I turned to look at her but my vision was blurry. I blinked a couple of times trying to get rid of the tears that  I wouldn't allow to shed. I've cried more today than I have in almost two years. I'm turning into a crybaby.

"Okay. Okay, I'll help. Just tell me how and I'll do it. I'll start now. Tell me how and I'll do it. I have people that I need to protect." A bright smile graced her face but once again it didn't reach her eyes.

"It won't be easy. We have a late star. They already have an army about the size of two packs full of super naturals of all kinds. And while that seems like a lot now we can catch up quickly. They're bringing in people slowly, trying to keep the uprising on the down low. You need to go to every coven, pack, group, team, species that I approve of and  get them on your side. The Firestone pack is one of the strongest out there, all that you need to do is train the people that you get on your side and you can win. I'm sure of it. From what I have gathered the opposing team, as we will call it want the uprising to happen in about two years. That's not a lot of time Gabriel. You need to work quickly." I nodded already trying to think of a plan that will help to get them to believe me.

"How do I get them on my side? What if they don't believe me? The idea of a war is insane. The idea sounds crazy even I'm having trouble believing this is real." She came towards me and stood in front of me still floating so that we were the same height and could look into each others eyes.

"You are the son of the Moon Goddess, Nuka, that was your name by the way, your real name. Not Gabriel, I named you Nuka. Convince them. But in order to help with that, I'll activate some of your powers. I had to make them sleep, can't have the Goddess's son running around blasting people can we?" She sent me a small smile before placing her fingers on my chest and letting out a small chant. I sucked in a sharp breath as a surge of power went through me. In a way it was painful but it was also very pleasurable. Like a piece of myself that I didn't even know was missing was just found.

"There, all better. Well not quite. The powers that I gave you were teleportation, levitation, visions meaning that you can project things that you want people to see into their mind and command. Use your voice to make them understand. You can also contact me now. Just say my name and I'll be there." She smiled at me again and took a step back.

"I must go now my son, I've been with you far too long already. Remember your duty, the fate of the work sadly falls on your shoulders. I know that you have questions, a lot of them and I promise that I will see you again to answer as many as I can for you. I love you, my sweet prince of the moon." She came forward one last time and kissed my forehead. After that she was gone. I stared at the place that she was just standing.. Er... Floating until the sounds of Ana coughing brought m my attention back over to her. I knelt beside her and helped her into a sitting position.

"Are you alright?" I asked looking at her with concern. She looked around the lake and the clearing before nodding her head at me.

"What happened?" Her voice was raspy and uneven. I winced at the sound.

"We went for a run remember? I went ahead of you and you fell into the lake.  You lost consciousness and I went after you. We, we both died I think. For a little while at least, I'm not quiet sure. But all I know is that the moon Goddess is my mother and there is going to be a war." She stared at me in silence for a minute before she finally blinked.

"What?" She asked.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you once we're at the pack house with Michael and Adam. Can you stand?" I stood up and helped her to her feet. Once her for her balance straight she nodded at me and we made our way back to the pack house. This is going to be a lot of explaining.

*Wahoo!! Two updates in one night, lucky you ;) don't get used to it though I don't wanna spoil ya. Think of it as an apology for all of my slow updates and time off. I'm making a new year resolution of doing one update per week, maybe more if I can find the time. Comment, vote and let me know what you think. How is the story going along so far?*

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