"Everyone, today we will learn a completely new spell." Everyone looked up to look and listen at Harry.

"I will be teaching the spell Patronus." Harry said, everyone looked excited, even I did!

"And Elsa is going to be the first to cast it." Harry said.

"What?!" I said looking confused, what was the only thing I could stifle out of my mouth. I felt nervous once again. I wanted to run away but I was stuck there, I didn't want to disappoint Harry, I looked through the crowd and saw Ginny, she mouthed, you don't want to embarass yourself infront of Harry. I nodded and looked down.

"Okay, show me how to do the spell." I said to Harry, he smiled. He took out his wand, I carefully watched his movements and strokes and how he said the spell. After casting it, a blue shimmering light appeared and it formed into a beautiful stag, everyone gasped, it pranced around gracefully.

"A thing to always remember, when you cast this spell, you must think of a happy memory." Harry said

"The patronus you cast will be the creature that characterises you." Harry said

"Okay here I go." I said to my self, I positioned my self and began to cast the spell. The blue light appeared, but then it disappeared

"Keep trying." Harry said smiling. I nodded and tried again and again, but nothing

"It takes quite a while to master it." Harry said

"Everyone try and have a go." Harry said

Everyone began casting and practicing. It took me hours... And still nothing, mostly everyone had done it... Cho's was a beautiful swan, which Harry commented on, I got jealous... Arya's was a dragon, Ginny's was a horse, Luna's was hare, Ron's was a jack Russell terrier which knocked over someone while it ran across the room. Hermione's was an otter. I sighed, nearly everyone mastered the spell except me... The twins walked over to me and tried to show me step by step and still nothing. Even Neville did the spell. I kept trying and trying. After a while everyone mastered it, I sighed and sat down, I gently threw my wand to the side.

"Did you get to do it?" Someone said, I looked up and saw Harry, he had a lovely smile on his face which cheered me up just a little.

"No... Today isn't my day..." I said I looked around at everyone as they got on doing other spells. Harry sat in front of me, quite close which made my cheeks warm up quite a bit.

"Did you think of a happy memory?" He asked. I nodded

"What is it?" He asked me. I looked down.

"One about my mother..." I said, I looked back up, he nodded sympathetically.

"What about yours?" I asked curiously

"The smiles on my parents faces... Because I don't actually have one." Harry said smiling to himself. I smiled at him.

"Maybe you should think of a recent happy memory?" Harry said, I nodded and thought for a while... I grabbed my wand, got up and began the spell, through my head I thought of every good and wonderful moment with Harry, luckily he was right next to me which made it easier to feel happy, the blue clear light appeared and then all of a sudden it formed into a unicorn, it sparkled as it galloped around the room, everyone gasped in awe. Harry looked at me and smiled.

"I knew you could do it." He said, i smiled and watched it gallop.

"SHE DID IT!!!!" Hermione shouted, everyone cheered and clapped, I felt so proud of my self! I couldn't believe it!

"Wow a unicorn." I said to my self.

The lesson ended and we all walked out.

"I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. After the holidays, we'll learn new spells." Harry said smiling. I suddenly realised then if be spending Christmas with my grandmother, she was always sleeping and wasn't that jolly, I looked down sadly. Suddenly, someone tapped my back. I spun around

"Hi, our mum was wondering if you'd like to spend Christmas with us, you're ever so lovely and we'd love it if you could come." Ginny said smiling, Ron was next to Ginny with the twins,

"Please." Ron said, the twins looked eager too

"You became a part of our family since the day we met you." Ginny said, I felt really loved at that moment

"Plus Harry will be there." Fred whispered not too quiet

"I'd love to! You make me feel so loved! And I'm not just going because Harry is, every one of you is so lovely and kind" I said, Each one of them smiled. They walked off.

"Shall we go and study?" I turned around and saw Thalia, I nodded and smiled

"But I think we'll mostly talk!" Sophia said laughing. I walked off with Sophia and Thalia, we were going to go and study for a while.

"Oh wait I left my notebook back in there..." I said

"You can borrow mine." Thalia said

"No don't worry, anyway I have important things in there." I said to her, they waited there and I quickly ran back.

I silently opened the door and closed it. I scanned the room and tried to look for my black notebook... There it is. I walked over to it and picked it up, Harry was so kind to me today, he's so patient as well when I kept on failing. I hope we can stay close for a long time... He helped me so much I didn't even realise it until just now. If it wasn't for Harry I wouldn't have been able to do that spell, or stand up to Umbridge and Malfoy. I think I might confess my love to him this Christmas. The sudden thought of it made my cheeks go red... I turned around to walk out. My smile suddenly disappeared at the sight of Harry kissing Cho on the lips right in front of the mirror. I hid behind the bookcase. I quickly peeked and saw that they finished the kiss, he smiled at her and she smiled at him, she ran off out of the room and a little while after he walked out. I couldn't move, my heart was broken into a million pieces. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw that image in my head once again. My arms and legs went weak. And then, I felt there was no hope anymore. Harry is not in love with me. The smile after they both kissed proved it clearly. More tears streamed down my face. Even if we were staying as still friends, I still felt happy he decided to accept me as his friend. I could feel the lump in my throat as I sat there crying. I walked out and quickly told Thalia and Sophia that I was quite tired and ran off back to the common room.

When I arrived I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry, I panicked and I wanted to cry again, I tried to avoid them

"Hey Elsa!" Hermione said happily, I ignored her and walked on

"Are you okay?" Ron asked

"Yes, I'm more than fine." I said not making eye contact

"You look a bit pale, are you sure?" Hermione asked

"Yes, I'm just tired, good night." I said

"Are you okay, why are you so silent?" Harry said as the three walked over to me curiously, I looked at Harry and I felt more pain.

"Hermione." I whispeted about to cry again, she nodded and followed me up the stairs, Harry and Ron looked both worried and confused. I ran to my bed and the tears came streaming down again. Hermione sat by me

"You saw it didn't you?" Hermione said sadly, I nodded. I cried more, she gave me tissues, I wiped my tears and my nose.

"What are you going to do now?" She asked me.

"I don't know... Probably forget about him..." I said in between sobs, she patted my head. "Whatever you choose to do Elsa I'll always be here." She said kindly, I nodded and smiled a little

"There's that smile!" She said

"I wish I was Cho..." I said as I stopped crying

"Don't ever be like Cho. Then I won't be your clever friend who studies with you anymore." She said, I laughed a little.

"I won't, I'm tired, I think I'll get over it by tomorrow..." I said sadly...

I laid down on my bed, my thoughts were still on Harry, I didn't know how I felt, I wasn't sure if I should cry or be angry, I don't know... I fell asleep.

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