Chapter 32 - 48

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"Go ahead," he said huskily. "Finish the sentence."

Gone. Just like that. All previous thoughts were gone. I didn't care about anything else but him against me.

"I want you to kiss me, Tempest," I said as I met his eyes.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it's my birthday," I smiled. "I deserve forty-eight kisses."

Tempest grinned. "You'll get your kisses." He brought his lips down to mine and kissed me. "One," he said and kissed me again. "Two," he kissed me again. "Three," he picked me up and carried me into the bathroom all the while he kissed me, counting them off as he went.

I couldn't stop giggling as he covered me in kisses, I started the shower water and turned to Tempest who winked at me. I stepped in the shower and pulled him in after me. He was so beautiful. He leaned down to kiss me again.

"Twenty-five," he said with a laugh. I threw my head back and laughed.

"You don't have to count aloud," I giggled. Tempest stared at me like I was his golden girl.

"I do have to count aloud, and you are my golden girl. You've always been my golden girl, and there's nothing you can do to stop being her," he said and pushed my wet hair off of my face. "As we've progressed, I've realized, we are not as perfect as we said we were. We're just as screwed up as everyone else. I have my faults, you have yours. I see mine and I'm repulsed by what I'm witnessing, I see yours and guess what? I see Humanity. We trick our minds into thinking that we're perfect, but no, we're not. We're the furthest thing from it, but I don't care. You give me that illusion, that euphoria, I love it, I love you. You're my everything." I stared at him in awe.

"How long have you known that?" I asked him with my head cocked.

He blushed. "A good couple of years," I slapped his chest.

"You, Tempest, you are something else," I leaned up to kiss him. "Twenty-six."

He grinned against my lips and pressed me against the glass. I ran my fingers through his hair and tugged.

"Twenty-seven," he said and lifted my legs.

"Twenty-eight," I counted off. He slid in and matched my moan.

"Twenty-nine," he groaned against my lips. I tightened my grip on him and continued my count off. We reached forty-seven before our orgasms, but we didn't stop there.

He pressed his lips to my shoulder. "Fifty-four." I smiled and leaned into him.

"Is this for the future?" I asked.

"Mm, yes," he said and stroked my wet skin.

"I approve," I said and turned the water off.

He watched me dress like he always did. I never opposed, I remembered the first time I dressed in front of him, he never let me forget.

"When you dress, it will always be in front of me," Tempest said with a grin. He's never forgotten himself. Good. As I was pulling my pants on, I noticed a camera, the same camera that he snapped me with yesterday. "Don't spoil it, it's for the kids."

"What for?" I asked.

"Memories," Tempest said and smiled wryly. "The pictures with my family are all before Night. I wasn't a happy boy at that time. Especially with Vikos plotting against me. I've had it for a while now, even suppressed my beast knew that we weren't going to live forever. I've been taking pictures of you for years."

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