Chapter 10 - Hooky

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~ Chapter 10 ~

I moved my now straitened hair to one side of my neck and gazed at my neck trying to see my invisible scars. They were long gone. It had been many weeks since the incident and quite frankly nothing's changed between the Six Devils and myself. I'd like to think I've grown closer to them, but I can't really say that considering the only one who has disclosed their past to me was Valen, and even still I think that was the sugar-coated rundown version of the tale.

Tempest and I kept our distance, it was the only way Sven and Rex would continue to help me get over my past. I was grateful for the two of them, they did understand me. Alucard and I are close, I'm not allowed to be alone with him but he's okay with that. Valen and I talk constantly, I get him to laugh and it's nice making him laugh. Aric and I are just good friends.

One thing that has concerned me over the course of weeks is, where the hell has Blake been? It's great to know he's not pestering me, but it's been picking the back of my brain since I last spoke to him. One, he wasn't happy that I was hitting on his cousins. Two, he mentioned something about having a plan that would counteract whatever the Six Devils seem to be up to. I'm sure he's more than fully aware of the fact that the longer he waits the less neutral I become.

There was a knock at my bedroom door, Sven and Rex. They were appointed my unbiased guardians. They cocked their heads to the side.

"What are you doing?" Rex asked.

"My scar's gone." I murmured and pulled away from the mirror.

"Time has gone." Sven said with a shrug. "Things like that happen all the time."

"It's so weird," I murmured. "I've been here for quite some time."

"Indeed." They both agreed. "Are you ready?"

"Very much so." I checked around to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything and then I walked out with Rex and Sven.

Something felt odd today. Out of every Friday I've been here today was the most uncomfortable. I could easily pinpoint what was so erie about today: the halls and bathrooms were completely deserted. Even Lynn and Greg were gone.

"What's going on today?" I asked. They both shrugged.

"Something unusual, because this never happens." Sven murmured. "I hope it's nothing bad."

"Why would it be anything bad?" Rex asked with a raised brow.

"Because we attract bad luck, Rex." Sven rolled his eyes. "Besides, we've had a neutral streak, it's about time for something bad to happen."

"The fact that you want something bad to happen concerns me, Sven." I said with a small giggle. "I swear I don't understand you sometimes."

"I'm glad you don't." Sven said pulling me under his arm. I clutched his blazer as we walked through the hallways. I had practically become the sister of Rex and Sven. I didn't have any siblings so it's nice having Rex and Sven care for me.

"You're not nearly as bad as you make yourself out to be, you know."

"Easy for you to say, Z. You're Human and too stubborn to believe in our kind." Sven snickered. "I look like a golden boy to you."

"Indeed you do!" I beamed. "Nothing wrong with me thinking positive of a negative person."

"That would mean that you see the good in people, but that can be debatable considering you're not always seeing the good in people." Rex said looking over at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You made something so simple extremely complex." I grumbled.

"That's the Warlock way." He grinned. I just shook my head and continued my journey with them down to the cafeteria.

When we got in I wasn't quite prepared for what I saw. Everyone was on the ground with an exception of the Six Devils. I originally thought that the people were kneeling to them but they weren't. Sven and Rex murmured off a stream of profanities and I followed their gaze only to see three of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Just looking at them gave me the strongest urge to kneel. I could feel their power from right where I stood but my pride was stronger. I let go of Sven and stepped out to see the men clearer. They were godly attractive.

"Zelda." Tempest ordered, it was more of a plea than an order. I looked over to see them with wary expressions. Not wanting to face any consequences I began to make my way over to them.

"Zelda Stacy," speak of the fucking devil. I stopped in place at the sound of Shower Boy's voice. I turned on my heel and crossed my arms.

"Shower Boy." I said in reply. From this distance I could see him smirking.

"Are you ready?" He asked me.

"For?" I asked. He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"The test." What the hell was he talking about?

"Blake back the fuck off, okay?" Aric growled. Blake rolled his eyes.

"It's a little to late for restraints." Blake sighed. He then turned his attention back to me.

"You brought friends." I said nodding to the immaculate men who studied me. "They're really attractive." Blake raised his brow.

"Oh? You think so?" He asked. I nodded. "Guess what?"

"Don't make me guess." Blake chuckled.

"I decided to keep it in the family. Zelda, meet Lord Sage Draga, Lord Vikos Draven, and King Aizel Tate." I froze in place at the names. It took all of three seconds. I quickly looked over to Tempest, Valen, and Alucard only to see their pained faces. Oh shit.

"Oh." My voice was small.

"But I'll let you get going," Blake winked and walked off. I made my way over to the table and sat between Tempest and Valen.

"Rise!" One of the immaculate men said. Everyone stood and went about their business. I turned to Valen.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Blake just brought my brother," Valen breathed.

"And my own," Tempest said dryly. Uh-oh. I feel like Tempest and Vikos don't get along.

"Mine as well." Alucard sighed.

"This is bad?" I asked.

"This is terrible." Aric said.


"There's a good reason why you don't know our pasts, but now that they're here everything will come to light. Our siblings are the most powerful beings of our kinds." Valen started. "Remember when I told you about my brother?" I nodded. "That's Hunter." Oh.

"You think he wants revenge?" I asked.


"What about Alucard and Tempest?" I asked.

"My brother is my equal." Tempest said. "He trapped me here so he could take all of the power."

"So why is he here?" I asked. "Why are any of them here?"

"For you, Zelda." Valen frowned.

"What? Why?" Before I could finish asking my question we were approached by the three of them.

Jesus Christ they're beautiful. They scanned the table and snickered and then looked at me.

"Did you each kiss each others ass for this girl or what?" The one who resembled Tempest asked.

"Shut up, Vikos," Tempest said sharply. "Leave, and leave her alone."

"Ooh, seems like you've taken to the innocent Human girl." He clicked his tongue against his teeth and shook his head. "You know what happens when you get involved."

Tempest clenched his jaw and his fists. "I'm not involved."

"Why are you here, Hunter?" Valen asked drawing my attention from Tempest and Vikos to him and his brother.

"To see what all the fuss was about. I suppose she's worth it." He scrutinized me with his violet eyes. "Are you worried you'll lose her?"

"She's not mine to lose." Valen countered. I looked at him with slight shock. Maybe I had been reading too far into the lines. When I turned back Hunter had a smirk on his face.

"She begs to differ." Valen rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet," he ran a hand through his hair. "But whatever it is it better be worth it." Hunter sighed and casted Valen a smile. "After while, brother." Valen gave him a casual nod, I was then drawn to Alucard's conversation with his brother.

"Sage," Alucard said tightly.

"Alucard." Sage said just as tightly as Alucard. "I heard about what you did."

"Oh, did you?" Alucard said dryly. "I don't see why you give a shit."

"It's amusing that you think I do." Sage snickered. Alucard sighed.

"So you're on sides with the wolves?" He asked in that same dry voice.

"I'm on any and every side but yours." Sage retorted. "So all of this is personal."

"You surprise me so much," Alucard said sarcastically. "How's Jemma?" I noticed the grin on Alucard's face and the scowl on Sage's.

"Keep her in mind for when I steal your Human," Sage growled.

"You can take Brooke if you feel up to it, she hasn't quite managed to fulfill my needs lately." Alucard shrugged. "But touching Zelda is another story."

"Oh?" Sage asked. Alucard smirked.

"Yes, she'll kick your ass." I couldn't help but giggle.

"The honest truth." I said with a smile. "I'm Zelda, the ass-kicker. I suggest you not push my buttons."

"A Human girl, harmful?" Sage laughed. I raised my brow.

"Don't doubt me or I'll put you in your place." I warned. "I just so happen to not believe in this shit so I could potentially be your downfall. Other than that, stay on my good side and I'll be a good girl for you." I gave him a wink. The shock on all three of their faces was Kodak worthy.

Vikos was the first to respond, he gave a soft chuckle and ran a hand through his jet black hair and casted me a gaze with his blood red eyes. He was stunning. He ran his tongue along his lips and gave me a devious smile. "Perhaps I'll keep that in mind, young Zelda."

"Keep flirting with me like that and we'll start a war," I taunted with a small grin.

"Oh, I fully intend to, love." He winked and walked away. I couldn't help but bite back a grin as they all retreated. I could feel the scowls from each one of my Devils.

"What?" I asked innocently. "I got rid of them didn't I?"

"I forbid you to flirt with my brother, Zelda." Tempest said firmly. "Or any of our brothers."

"Look, your feud is with them. I have a clean slate, and quite frankly your brothers are hot. I don't see anything wrong with them." I said defensively. "I'll take my chances."

"I won't let you." Valen and Tempest said in unison. I just sighed heavily.

"There's a few things you guys can regulate and control, but this is not one of them." I said looking at each one of them. "You can't tell me who I can and can't like."

"Yes, we can." They said firmly. I clenched my jaw. Fine, you wanna play hardball? Let's play.

"Okay." I said nodding my head. Valen eyed me cautiously, Tempest turned his attention to his brother.

"I mean it, Zelda." Valen said softly. "I'm looking out for you."

"I said okay, Valen." I said annoyed.

What they failed to understand about me is that I don't accept no for an answer. I met eyes with Vikos across the room, although Tempest was still glaring at him, Vikos paid him no mind. Hunter whispered something to Vikos and Vikos grinned. I heard Tempest growl from next to me. I tore my attention away to look over at Tempest. Then decided a distraction was what they needed.

"So what's on the plan for tonight?" I asked them.

"You'll be in Lynn's company tonight," Tempest said mindlessly. "We have business to take care of."

"If you're talking about your brothers then there's no reason to exclude me." I argued. He casted his dark gaze at me, Valen pulled me closer to him.

"Tempest, no." Valen ordered. Tempest snorted.

"For once use your fucking head, Zelda. This isn't Human shit we're dealing with." He said. "If Vikos gets ahold of you, he will tear you apart."

"And you won't?" I asked. "You won't rip my soul from my body?" He stared at me shocked. "You won't seduce me and then kill me?"

"Who the hell-"

"Fuck who told me. The thing is Tempest, you think I can't handle myself, but I can. And I will." I got up angrily. "Stop treating me like a porcelain doll."

I began to storm off.

"Zelda!" They called from the table. I turned on my heel.

"What." I said sharply.

"You need to eat." Aric pleaded. I scoffed.

"I've lost my appetite." I said bitterly.

"Well let at least one of us accompany you," Alucard added. I glared.

"If I find out either one of you followed me there will be severe consequences," I warned with fierce eyes. "Don't. Baby. Me." I turned and walked out.

Where the hell was I gonna go? Breakfast had just started and I managed to walk out-I managed to walk out. Oh. My. God. Something serious must be going on for them to not have come after me, punished me, or ordered me to stay. I crossed my arms.

"What the hell am I going to do?" I muttered to myself.

"How does cutting class sound?" I heard from behind me. I turned to meet blood red eyes and a beautiful creature. "Hey,"

Oh God. "Hi," I breathed a smile. He was so gorgeous.

"So, how does that sound?" He asked with a raised brow.

"I shouldn't be leaving..." I murmured. "I need to stay."

"Why?" He asked with his head cocked.

I didn't have to. I could go with Vikos. I bit my lip. He brought his hand up and pulled my lip out of the captivity of my teeth with his fingers.

"It's not a hard decision, young Zelda." His voice was like sex on fire. It was so... seductive. "I promise I won't do anything you don't want to."

I grinned. "In that case, I don't see why not."

Vikos grinned and took my hand. We slipped out of the building with Vikos and we ran to Night Square where all the shops, people, and things were. When we arrived Vikos looked back at me.

"You want to eat something?" He asked me.

I nodded out of breath, Vikos wasn't even winded. He took me over to a restaurant and we went in. I stood next to him while he ordered a mass of food for the both of us and then we took our seats and waited for our food to come. He sat across from me and studied me while I studied him. He breathed a smile and showed off his gorgeous, perfect teeth.

"What?" He asked, his blood red eyes were light as he spoke.

"You're like a God you're so beautiful," I murmured. "I don't get it."

"I'm a Demon, Zelda. The Demon King." He said with a slight laugh. "But you don't believe in that so let's stick with me having good genetics."

"That's more like it," I agreed. He just shook his head.

"Blake speaks highly of you," Vikos said with a raised brow. "Tempest and the other Devils sure have taken a liking to you."

"I didn't ask for any of it." I grumbled. "And it feels like an unrequited friendship."

"That's because you can't read their minds," Vikos said tapping his head. "You're the number one thing on their minds, you know."

"That's disturbing." I said with a laugh. "So, Tempest hates you."

"Of course he does, I took everything from him." Vikos laughed. "We're twin brothers."

"What's that have to do with anything?" I asked confused. Vikos's laughter died.

"Wait, you've been with the Six Devils for a month and a half and you don't even know them?" Vikos asked with disbelief. I shook my head. "Oh, no. You're flying blind, love. Each one of them has a story."

"Valen told me his." I said with a shrug. "I heard that Tempest steals souls."

"It only works if you believe in it, Zelda." Vikos said. He was now serious. He wet his lips before speaking. "Fucked up is putting it mildly."

"I know," I murmured. He raised his brow. "You can see it in their eyes, hear it in their voice. They know they fucked up."

"Tempest has it the worst." Vikos said. "When you believe, I'll tell you the tale."

"I'd really appreciate that." I said with a smile.

"I'll be right back." Vikos said and got up. I watched as he gracefully made his way to retrieve our food. He sat down and handed me food then began to eat his own.

"How come you eat and Tempest doesn't?" I asked.

"He has a rare appetite." Vikos explained. "I can eat both flesh and Human food, meanwhile Tempest can only devour the flesh of a willing soul. He's cursed. He doesn't have to eat nearly as much as the regular Demon."

"Sounds like torture," I murmured.

"You would think that, but there's plenty of people who would give themselves up to Tempest. Not to mention he's a cunning guy."

"He pushes me away." I sighed and stuffed a fry in my mouth. "Like he hates me."

"Good, keep it that way. Nobody wants your soul to go to him, you're pure, innocent." I scoffed.

"Why does everyone keep calling me innocent? I'm not." I argued and took a bite out of my burger. Vikos chuckled and wiped his mouth.

"Zelda, physically you've been a bad girl. Spiritually? You're the purest soul in that building, on this land, out of the Human race that I've encountered." Vikos said. "Why do you think Valen has taken such a liking? It's also the big reason why Tempest is keeping you at a distance, because your soul will taste unlike any he's ever had."

"How do you know so much if you just got here?" I asked genuinely interested.

"This isn't the first time this has happened, Zelda, but it is the first time that the Human girl was genuinely innocent." He gave me a small smile. "Good girls like you should be living their lives."

"I was, until I got rounded up." I pouted. "I miss home."

"You'll get there soon enough." Vikos winked.

The whole time, we ate then after we ate he took me over to the statue fountain and we played in the water then walked around till we were dry. It was like being back at home with my friends and the love of my life. I missed moments like this. I was comfortable with Vikos. Night had fallen and Vikos was taking me back to the building.

"Will I get in trouble for skipping?" I asked him.

"No, because you were with me." He said and pulled me under his arm.

"Why are you so nice?" I asked looking up at him.

"I'm always nice." He chuckled and stepped in the building. "You're safe with me, Zelda. Always keep that in mind."

"For someone who claims to be a Demon, don't you see the irony in that?" I asked.

"Of course I do, but it is the truth. Tempest wouldn't dare to fight me for you." Vikos said and took me to my dorm. "He's a brilliant guy, very silent."

"He thinks all the time."

"And he's true to his word." Vikos said.

"Do you hate him?" I asked. Vikos shook his head.

"I love him, even though he screwed me over I still love him."

"What did he do?" I asked as we stopped in front of my dorm. I faced him and pressed my back to the door.

"I can't tell you that, love." Vikos said tapping my nose. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He walked backwards and watched me as he left. I couldn't help a giggle escape me as I watched him go. I then turned and pushed the door open. I bit my lip and closed my eyes and remembered the events of today. I stepped in and closed the door behind me then pressed my back to the door. Today was such a good day.

"Zelda." I heard from in front of me. The voice was full of displeasure. I felt my heart drop. When I opened my eyes fear flooded my body. It was Tempest, and he had a whip.

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