Chapter 13 - Believer

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~ Chapter 13 ~

I stared at the floor next to the couch where Valen and I had rushed, impatient sex and blushed a little before I was drawn to little antiques around his room. I watched as Valen gauged my reactions, I don't blame him. I was in his personal area, apparently he doesn't allow many people here. So this is a big deal for him. I casted him a sweet smile before running my hands along a crown. Prince Valen of Angels. You would think that the king of Angels was God himself.

"This is heavy isn't it?" I asked Valen.

"To you," he replied.

"When's the last time you wore it?"

"A millennia ago. Too long to worry your precious Human mind on, I'm currently unworthy for it which is why it remains here." Valen said softly.

"Like Thor and his hammer," I giggled as I made the comparison.

"Who?" Valen asked. I turned to Valen with a gasp.

"You don't know Thor?" I asked surprised. Valen shook his head slowly. "I love Thor so much."

"Should I?" He asked. I nodded my head vigorously. "Who is this Thor you claim to be madly in love with?"

"An Asgardian God of Thunder, son of Odin. It's based off of Norse Mythology, but he's a comic hero." I said softly.

"I didn't take you as the type to be a fan of comic books." Valen murmured.

"Before my mom died, my dad used to be obsessed with them. And before I would go to bed at night they would take turns reading comic books to me about all these fantastic superheroes. My mom would tell me about the girls, and my dad would tell me about the boys. This was when everything was normal." I sighed.

"You really shouldn't compare your past to your future, it spoils everything."

"It's the only way I can cope. I don't want to forget what happened to me, I want to just... move on. But I can't." I turned and looked at him with a wistful smile. He made his way over and cupped my face.

"Have you tried?" He asked with a raised brow.

"I need to know how, first." I said starting into his blue eyes. He gave me a soft smile and caressed my cheeks.

"I'm here, I'll always be here for you, remember that." Although his tone was soft, his words were sharp. He then gave me a bright smile. "Now, I think it's time for you to be exposed."

"Exposed?" I asked. Valen beamed and pulled away from me, he grabbed my hand and led me out of Night not staying another word about his plans.

When we arrived, everyone else was there. It was dark out, very late. Aric leaned against the building, Tempest scraped his foot against the ground, Sven yawned, Alucard ran a hand through his hair, and Rex snickered.

"What's going on?" I asked as Valen and I came to a halt.

"Well, kiddo, Tempest here tells me you don't know what to believe." Sven said giving me a smirk. "And I think it's about time we show you our true colors."

"True colors?" I asked, I wanted to laugh at how stupid and cliche that sounded. Sven shrugged.

"Suit yourself."

My laughter and amusement was cut short as I saw Aric shift. His skin fell off of his bones in a steaming heap below him, his bones popped and reshaped. Hair sprouted from all areas, his face extended into a snout and very sharp teeth emerged from his gums. Aric extended one paw, then the other, then his hind legs and growled before he howled into the night sky.

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