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I'm panic-king
My heart must be racing at speed of light
Because I cannot see it anymore
And if I can handle this, I'm not sure
And I think the most I think about it, less the chances are to get it right
I seek for a day stress fades out and problems out of my sight
Till then, even nights will be sleepless
I'll stay awake trying to send my problems to another address
Maybe someone else could deal with my stress
Just only while I take a rest from it
Because now I'm feeling tired as Hell
I do everything I can but panic seems to find me everywhere
I go everything and panic seems to be found in everything
And a silly thought comes up to my mind, hurled
Why would I panic at the disco, if I can panic at all the world?

I'm panic-kingMy heart must be racing at speed of lightBecause I cannot see it anymoreAnd if I can handle this, I'm not sureAnd I think the most I think about it, less the chances are to get it rightI seek for a day stress fades out and problems o...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Its just a feeling I can't get rid of
If I can't control myself to stop
How will I control myself to love?
And I throw myself to the ground alone, covering my body with dirt
I need a shell to myself and I'm not self-ish
For some unknown sad reason, I'm a overthinker from birth
And I'll probably die like that, finish

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