Ink (M.C.) [1]

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Eighteenth birthdays are a big deal to most people here. If you were born seeing colors, or didn't have a clock on your wrist, you had two choices of how your soulmate would be found. Option one: you got a tattoo on your eighteenth birthday that corresponded with theirs or option two: you look the same way you look that day until you find said soulmate. Michael prayed he had the first option and on November 20th, 2013 at 12:00am Michael's prayers were answered.

The blonde haired boy had decided to not sleep and wait till the clock turned 12 on his birthday this year. He was talking to his three best friends on Skype, as they chose to stay up with him as well.

"What if your tattoo is on your dick?" Calum said, laughing right away.

Michael rolled his eyes before answering," Who knows if I'll even get a tattoo, maybe I'll be cursed like you." A smirk finished his statement.

"What if your tattoo is really girly like half a heart." Luke said before Calum and Michael could start bickering.

"Then it's half a heart, I don't really care what it is." Michael said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What if you don't have a soulmate?" Ashton said, a curious tint to his voice.

"That can't happen can it?" Luke said, his eyebrows coming together in confusion. "Everyone has a soulmate, that's the way it works."

"But why is that the way it works? I mean, don't get me wrong I'm glad it is like that but who decided one day that everyone had to have one?" All the boys became quiet and let Ashton's words sink in.

"Dude, you're really messing with my mind right now." Calum  said with wide eyes. Luke laughed at Calum's confused face causing everyone else to start to laughing. "Hey Michael it's 11:59." Calum said suddenly.

"I'll get the countdown!" Luke said pulling an app up on his phone.

Michael felt the nerves start to hit him. He didn't know why he was nervous but he was. What if his soulmate didn't like him? What if the tattoo was in a weird spot? Oh my god, what if he got a face tattoo?

"10," Luke said, Michael's head snapped up and he took a deep breath.

"9," Calum and Ashton said in unison. The boys continued to count down as Michael continued to get more nervous.

"1." They all said, screaming happy birthday at him right after. Michael smiled, he loved these boys like brothers.

"Do you see your tattoo?" Luke said, anxious to see what his best friend got. Michael looked around his body and stopped when his eyes reached his left upper arm. Ink started to come from under his skin, it seemed like a ghost was tattooing Michael as he watched. He looked up at the three boys and they watched in awe. At 12:02AM his tattoo was finished. Michael ran his thumb over it.

"To the moon," he whispered to himself.

"That's sick." Calum said, Luke and Ashton nodded.

"I'm gonna go to bed, see ya later today for celebrations." Ashton said.

"Yeah, see you guys later. Sweet dreams." Michael said, the guys said night and logged off. Michael turned his computer off and set it on his bedside table. Michael stared at his tattoo. It looked done, as if there is no corresponding tattoo. Ashton's words ringed in his head as he stared to fall asleep. What if you don't have a soulmate?

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