Years (C.H.) [1]

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The way it was in this world was everyone was born with a soulmate, a person who is their perfect match. Each person was given one of four ways to find them. Some were born without seeing color, and the moment they looked into their soulmates' eyes all the colors in the world flooded into their sight. His friend, Ashton had gotten that one. He always talked about how much it sucked to not be able to see the colors of world but he found Daniella. Another way was having a clock on your wrist that counted down till the exact time you would meet them. Luke got blessed with that one and he had found Amanda at an All Time Low concert. Michael, his other close friend had turned 18 a few months ago. When he woke up, a tattoo was on his upper arm that said 'to the moon.' He has to find the person that has the other half to the tattoo, but he is certain he doesn't have a soulmates since his tattoo seems finished and finally there was the not aging. If you had met your soulmate before 18, you would continue aging without missing a beat but if you haven't, you will look like you did when you were 18 until you meet them. Calum thought he had the worst one, a lot of people don't even notice when they start aging until they hit a certain point. 

Calum was starting his first day of college today, he was attending a college in America and he was nervous to say the least. He had stayed in a hotel for a few nights to get used to the time zone, it was a big change; 17 hours. He had gotten his dorm and was walking towards it. He used the key they gave him and opened the door. A guy with brown hair and green eyes was putting up a poster on one side of the room. He stopped and turned around, smiling at Calum. "Hey, you must be my roommate. I'm sorry, I already picked this side but if you rather have this one I can move ov-"

Calum cut him off," No, it's fine. My names Calum." He said moving forward and dropping his bags, he put his hand out for the guy to shake.

"Aiden. Is that an accent I hear?" He asked, shaking his hand. Calum laughed and nodded. "Let me guess, Aussie?"

"You got it." Calum said, starting to unpack.

"I have to ask dude, have you found your soulmate? Which out of the four do you have?"

"I don't have a soulmate yet and I have the staying till 18 one. You?"

"Same one as you. So, what's your major?" Aiden asked, taking out some beanies from a bookbag.

"I'm still not sure. I got in by a scholarship for soccer."

"That's exciting, I'm an art major in case you were wondering." Aiden said without looking up.

"Really? You draw?"

Aiden nodded," I write a little bit but I mostly stick with drawing. Sometimes photography."

"I write short stories too."

"Maybe we can read each others one day." Aiden smiled," Is this your first time in the U.S.?"

"No, I've been to New York a few times, but I've never been to California although I stayed in a hotel for a few days."

"Why did you stay in a hotel?"

"My mom thought it would be a good idea, since its a 17 hour difference. I didn't really look at the city though, was kind of scared I would get lost." Calum laughed.

"Your mom is smart," Aiden finished putting up a photo. He went to the middle of the room to see if it was crooked. "You must be really good at playing soccer if you got into UCLA." Aiden said, turning towards Calum.

"I've been playing since I was little." Calum shrugged. Aiden nodded and they started to unpack again.

Half an hour later, Aiden spoke. "Come on get dressed." Actual classes started in three days, these days were for moving in and getting familiar with the campus.

"Where are we going?" Calum asked, taking his shirt off and slipping on a nicer one.

"I'm going to show you my city." Aiden smiled," I've lived here my whole life. I know what everyone wants to see in magical LA." He grabbed a gray beanie that matched his shirt and slipped it on, he grabbed  his keys and his phone and walked to the door. "Ready?" Calum slipped on his vans and walked up to him. They both walked out of the small room and down the hall. "My car is this way." Calum followed behind Aiden. They didn't really talk during the walk to Aiden's car. They got in and put their seatbelts on.

"You can pick the music." Aiden said, handing Calum the AUX cord.

Calum plugged his phone in and picked a song on his playlist. 'One Man Can Change The World by Big Sean' Aiden turned a corner and Calum put the window down, looking out the window at the city. "Wow, this city is beautiful." Calum said, trying to capture everything at once.

"It kind of loses its touch when you lived here your whole life," Aiden said, turning a corner.


Aiden and Calum laughed, walking into their dorm room again. Aiden had taken Calum to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, to see the Hollywood Sign, the Grammy Museum, and to end the night they walked the runyon canyon park where Aiden took some Instagram worthy pictures of Calum. "Maybe we can go to Santa Monica before classes start." Aiden smiled, taking his shoes off and putting them beside his bed.

"Yeah, that would be really fun. Do you know how to surf?" Calum asked, laying back on his bed after taking his Vans off.

"Not really, do you?"

"Nah, I always wanted to learn though."

"You lived in Australia. Surfers Paradise?" Aiden laughed, pulling the beanie off his hair and hooking it up.

"You live in California. Doesn't almost everyone surf here?" Calum shot back, pulling his shirt off. He looked over at Aiden who rolled his eyes.

"You got me there Hood." They both laughed and laid down on their beds. Calum grabbed his charger and plugged his phone in, he sent a text to his mom telling her how his day went and that he was okay. He wasn't expecting a reply for a while. "Do you miss your friends?" Aiden said suddenly, turning to look at his new room mate.

Calum looked up from his phone, setting it down. "Yeah, especially my best friend Michael. He's been in my life for so long, it's kind of weird not having him by my side, ya know?" Aiden nodded. "We went to this one concert, Michael, Ashton, Luke, and I. Before I left, we spent every hour we could together. The goodbyes were really hard, I don't think I've cried that much since I was a baby." Calum said, a sad smile playing at his lips. "Ash and Luke already found their soulmates, it's weird knowing I may not be there when Michael finds his..." He trailed off and wiped his eyes that were starting to tear up.

"I'm sorry I asked." Aiden said, frowning.

"No, no. It's okay, trust me." Calum said, smiling at him. Aiden took the covers off his bed and went under them, Calum got up and turned off the lights and did the same. "Goodnight Aiden." Calum said, closing his eyes.

"Night Aussie." Aiden said, making Calum smile.

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