Starry sky

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We tried to escape
But we couldn't swim
We tried to escape
But we couldn't fly
We tried to escape
But we couldn't breathe
Left to die
With nobody there
We took our last in hale of the cool nights air
Filling our lungs with its sharp piercing knives
That was our last breath
A minute goes by and your lungs start to burn
Two minutes go by and your world starts to spin
Three minutes go by your heart starts to slow
You gently fall down and land on the soft snow
Still you refuse to take in a breath
Four minutes go by and you look at the sky
You stare at the stars that shine in the black waters above
The stars that once looked so similar, you now realize are not
How one shines bright
Others shine dull
But then there's the ones that none of us see
The ones that swim in those dark pools of black and blue
Too far to see but not absent
You find your self looking into that bright less void
Five minutes go by
Your heart no longer drums
You lay in the snow
Your eyes still agape
Looking off into the starry sky
Just like the black sky
Just like that void
That now fills your eyes
That shine that was once there is forever lost
Just like your body that will never be found
Just like your thoughts that will never be understood
Your eyes
Black like that ocean
That no ones once seen

Authors note: Deciding to republish these very old poems

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