The Revenge?

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Marinette knew how to make Chloe mad, she was gonna wear something unstylish  and flirt with Adrien. The next day Marinette picked up from Chloe's dad closet a tie an a jacket. She put on a orange blouse that Chloe used for her pumpkin pie costume for the 5th grade "fall food" play. Then she cut in a skirt a stripped curtain in the bathroom. Finally she put on one of Chloe's rainbow socks from the "I Hate" closet section.

"Chloe will love this." She giggled. "Now my hair."

Instead of the iconic ponytail she put it in a messy bun. She took Chloe's sun glasses and threw them to the trash can.

When she got to school everyone was whispering at her back.

"Chloe! What are you wearing?!" Sabrina said shocked.

"I just love how you dress, so now we can look like part of the same group now."

"Wow Chloe! This is extremely nice of you... Are you ok?"

When Chloe arrived to the lockers she looked furious.

"Yo evil cockroach!!! What on Earth are you wearing?!!"


"Excuse me?! I am the mayor daughter! I can make you never get out of your room again! I am Chloe!"

"No, I AM Chloe."

"If you think this little switch is for you to ruin my life, well you are SO wrong!"

The hole school was quiet. Alya came from the back to help her friend.

"Mari are you ok?"

"Why are you talking to me?!"

"No seriously, are you alright!?"

"Well do you see any blood or any eye in the floor? Well then I am okay."

"What's wrong with you?" She said and ran to the class with Nino following her.

"What are you doing?" Marinette whispered to Chloe.

"What you are doing to me." Chloe said.

"Yeah? Then how do you feel about this?!" Marinette said and grabbed Adrien by the arm.

But before anyone could move a muscle, Marinette got closer and closer, until she kissed... a finger.

Hello Jedis! Sorry if I haven't update but, H.N.Y! (If you now what that meant write it complete in the comments).  Stay koalastic!
~Paloma 🐨

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