Rainy days

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"Come on... Where did you go?" I murmured unconsciously.

Rebecca had been gone for an hour and I know something wasn't right. She was always on time. Our mother had raised us to be entirely punctual.

I know she is upset over that stupid boy she had brought home, after he left her for god knows who.

I tried to warn her but she doesn't listen when it comes to love. Just like our father.

I was about to pull into a driveway and ask for directions to the nearest gas station from a local.

When all of the sudden I see something unusual laying on the yellow dotted line in the middle of the  street.

I silently prayed as I pulled my car around to put my head lights on the figure.

The minute I saw the dark red hair spread out all around the woman's head I knew what was to come.

"Jesus Christ." I said under my breath slamming the door to the car pushing my way through the rain and the darkness towards her.

Immediately I saw that her lips were as pale as her face and her cheeks were sunck in significantly.

"Please. Please, God, don't take her!" I screamed to the sky, cursing whatever type of God there is out there." Please." I whisper pressing my forehead against hers. "Please don't go away. I love you."

I immediately perform everything I remember of CPR. The blood is pounding in my ears as I whisper to her, "Don't go."

But I knew. She was gone. She had already left and moved on. I knew within the minute I stepped out of my car.

I stopped giving one last push on her chest breathing heavily. I felt hot tears run down my face against the cold rain.

She was gone. There were no happy endings for her. She loved just a little too much for that. I always thought I'd be the one to die in a ridiculous fashion.

But why her? If all the people? Could they not have chose someone else? Someone different to die. Someone who didn't have a whole life ahead of them.

I gently placed my hand under her head slipping it down to her lower back and the other picking her limp legs up from behind the knee.

He thought about how he would tell his mother. Her baby dead in the road from what he assumed hypothermia. He knew would have from this day forward the family would only have Rainy Days.


I need feedback from you guys. I don't know where to go from here.

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