The Runaway

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"Street rat!"


"No wonder your parents left you!"

The words rang in Pip's mind. It's all that she had heard since she was young.

She left the orphanage at the tinder age of 10. They were abusive and cruel to her. 

But little did she know the world was the same. No one cares. They don't have to.

Pip had just traveled all night to reach the sanctuary of an old where house she had found with a group of "friends" 2 years ago.

As far as she knew it was abandoned... She had taken refuge here several times. But this time was different.

She had just drifted off to sleep when she heard footsteps and the slight Murmuring of voices.

Her eyes shot open and she was on her feet gathering her bullets, gun and backpack in an instant.

She started to go out the window when she heard, "Wait! I want to talk to you!" She froze at the familiarity of the voice. She turned slightly, "I just wanted to say that I have seen what you've been going through and I want to offer you help. A way out, so to speak."

His voice was on edge afraid that she would sprint away again like the last time. She could disappear off the face of the earth like no other. All she had to do was run.

"And why would I listen to you?" She sneered her back still turned to him hiding her face. It's all she had left. As soon as they got an image of her face she was dead.

It's the policy of no stragglers. She was a straggler to them.

"I'm not with the services. I promise. I just wanted to help. I..." He then trails off not knowing what else to say to make her stay.

"What's your purpose here then?"She asked hesitation clear in her voice.

Pip hears him sigh heavily with irritation, "You know why. He misses you."

At the mention of him her face heats up and she's again thankful he can't see her face, "I'm no good for him. You know that. I would have stayed if I was." Pip almost whispers, closing her eyes tight, at thought of the broken look on his face as she told him she was leaving him.

"He still loves you, you know? He has search parties all over looking for you. He wants to know your okay."

Her body freezes as her eyes snap open. He broke his promise. She told him not to look for her. Not to love her any longer. He broke both promises, "Well you can tell him I'm fine. No need to search about anymore." Pip snap at him emotions flooding her system.

He cares. He shouldn't, but he does. He's stupid. But he's everything she ever wanted or needed and more.

"Can you please just come with me. I'll make sure not a soul sees your face except him, I promise. Heck, I haven't ever seen your face." She could sense that he was edgy and attempts to soften her.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that." And with that she gracefully jumped out the open window and disappeared into the night with the heavy sounds of guards footsteps behind her.

She let silent tears roll down her face as she sprinted towards the woods.

She'll only ever be what she's ever been any good at being: The Runaway.

Should I make this one into an actual story?


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