The Flirt

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The woman looked up on top of the same building she had seen a million times over, on her way back from a grueling day of work.

But this time there was something different...

There was a boy, no older than 14, walking on the edge of a beam on the highest point of the roof.

She dropped her purse into a puddle the splash sound being overwhelmed by the sound of her terrified screech, "That boy! The boy! He's... he's gonna kill himself! He's gonna die!"

She points him out to others passing. Then the shouts and calls start people desperately trying to "help" the boy.

But it just so happens that at that exact moment Mindy, a girl walking home from private school to her apartment with her father, spotted the boy as well.

All she could do was stare. She had never seen anything such as this.

Her, being the curious child she is, decided to go to the roof and see up close.

Once she had passed through the hotel doorman the rest was easy. She merely took the elevator to the roof.

She stepped out into the cloudy, chilly day. Mindy looked about for the boy then spotted him still continuing his pattern of walking back and forth on the edge of the roof.

"You! What do you think you're doing!? You could die you know!" She shouted with her small voice in his direction hoping he didn't hear her falter.

He looked at her and tilted his head slightly. "I'm not committing to death, merely just flirting. Not sure if it's what I want yet. You know?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Flirt? Why on earth would you do a silly thing like that? Your parents must be worried sick." She said attempting to talk him away from the ledge he seemed so fond of.

Instead of seeing reason and stepping down he lets out a small laugh and looks to her, "Parents? Worry? Doubtful, considering they don't even know I exist most of the time" He mumbles, then hesitates for a moment, "Why do you care anyways? I'm not going to kill myself. So move along."

She lets out a harsh breath then crosses her arms, "because I thought you might be a bit more interesting. But apparently I was wrong." She says then turns abruptly and starts to walk away.

The boy loses his smile and jumps off of the ledge back onto the roof reaching a hand out to her, but not touching her, "Wait! What was your name?" He asks urgently.

She turns around arms still crossed and says two simple words that make his heart jump with excitement, "Mindy Monroe."

Then she turns around and walks out back to resume her normal life as he stands on the roof, not getting back on the ledge, in shock repeating the name. "Mindy Monroe."

He smiles at the thought of her.

He then promised himself that he would find her and see her again. Someday.


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