Chapter 7

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“I wasn’t supposed to say that” Lisa muttered as she diverted her gaze from Louis’s. She knew she’d spoken out of turn and knew that her daughter would hate her for it. It was Navishaa‘s secret to tell, not hers. Louis looked at the elder woman softly, her words still buzzing in his head. “But you did” Louis responded “The baby is called Oscar Tomlinson, that was the name I had chosen. Lisa, is this child mine?” he asked softly as he placed his hand against the head of the infant. Oscar gave a small squeak before giggling slightly at the footballer’s touch. Lisa smiled softly before turning to Louis “Here” she whispered “Have a hold” she whispered. Louis looked at her, slightly annoyed that she’d not given him a straight answer, but at the same time excited at the prospect of holding the child that could possibly be his son.

Lisa flashed the footballer another grin before positioning his arms for him. “Make sure you support his head” she noted as she laid the infant down in Louis’s grasp. Louis eyed the little boy softly before bouncing his body against him. To have Oscar’s body in hands was strange for the footballer, yet at the same time it was welcome. The way he felt was new and exciting. He felt as if he was meant to hold the little boy. “If you just wait here with him, I’ll go find Navishaa and the three of us can sit down and talk. I think we need to” Lisa noted softly as she smiled at Louis. The footballer had never looked as perfect as he did with his arms wrapped around her grandson. Louis merely nodded his head, too in awe of Oscar to speak.

Lisa flashed one last smile at the two boys before running off into the bowels of the hotel, desperate to find her daughter before her daughter found Louis. Lisa knew how Navishaa could be, especially when it came to the two males she left in her wake and wanted to get there first to soften the blow. Spotting one of Navishaa's friends, Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. “Madison” she exclaimed making the blonde turn. Madison sent Lisa an odd look before enquiring what she was doing in the hotel. “I’m looking for my daughter, have you see her?” she asked. Madison nodded her head softly. “She went speeding of towards the locker room to change after you called. Something about stopping Louis” she sighed. Lisa sighed too “Thank you” she noted softly before turning on her heels, wanting to head her daughter off before she did something she regretted.


Bouncing Oscar’s small body against his own, Louis allowed a soft smile to light his face. The little boy was perfect, he wasn't serene and calm, just like Louis himself. He even looked like him too, tufts of dark brown hair graced his head and his eyes were a light shade of blue that Louis himself shared. Just one look at the little and you could tell that Louis was his father. “Hello little one” he whispered softly as he moved to not obscure the paths of other guests. Oscar made a sound of appreciation at the sound of the footballer’s voice before he moved his head to his chest, listening to Louis’s racing heart beat. “I don’t really know what you say to you” he admitted softly

“But I think I am your daddy” he whispered. Even the word made his mouth feel strange. Daddy, father, dad, he couldn’t believe there was a chance he was one.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Louis’s body stiffened slightly as the words rang around his head in an all to familiar tone. Navishaa moved a step closer. “I asked you what you were doing” she snapped. She couldn’t believe that Louis was holding her child and that her mother was nowhere in sight. It was down right stupid of her to leave the infant in his care. Louis merely adjusted his arms, holding Oscar just that little bit closer to his figure. “Holding your son. Oscar Tomlinson” he noted with a small frown.

Navishaa frowned too, disbelieving that her mother could have let such a detail slip. His name was the only really concrete link to his father, it was the name that the footballer had chosen himself for the child he had always assumed he would have with his girlfriend of five years, the name he’d always loved.

Louis smirked slightly seeing he had rendered Navishaa speechless, it was a rarity that she had no witty comeback or sharp comment to offer. “Though, he’s not only your son is he” he continued. Navishaa merely glared. “Give him here Tomlinson” she snapped “Just give me my baby” she hissed. Louis chuckled and shook his head “Do you really think I’m just going to hand him back. I want you to tell me the truth” he added. Navishaa glared at him once more. “What do you want me to tell you Louis” she hissed “He’s your son alright now just give him here and we’ll have done with it” she ranted.

She hated that she had to admit it aloud, but saw no other option. It had to be done.

Louis allowed his face to slacken as her confirmation rattled around his head. He was a dad. A father.

He had a son. Seeing his face, Navishaa took the chance to take Oscar in her arms, cuddling the little boy close to her. “How could you not tell me?” he whispered softly. Navishaa spared a small sigh. “I was waiting for the right moment” she whispered in return “I wanted to make it through the first trimester then surprise you when it all looked positive” she admitted with a soft smile “But then we had that fight and you left for Manchester. The right moment never came”

Louis turned his gaze on her. “And you couldn’t have called? Texted? Written? I was in Manchester Navishaa, not the north pole” he exclaimed. He couldn’t believe he’d missed out on the birth of his first child all because she had been so petty.

“What does it matter whether you know or not?” she retorted just as bitingly. Whether Louis knew of Oscar or not it didn’t matter, she wouldn’t allow him into her little boy’s life no matter what. “Of course it matters. He’s my son Navishaa” he called bitingly. “By blood only Tomlinson” she snapped causing him to fall mute. Navishaa scoffed slightly. “You left Louis, you made your choice and you can’t back track all of a sudden because of Oscar. You chose football over me and by doing so you chose it over your son” she snapped. Louis’s eyes softened with sorrow. “Oh come on, what did you think would happen? I’d take you back with open arms so that we could be a family?” she snapped. Louis merely stared. “That’s not how life works” she added before she stalked away, Oscar’s tiny body pressed against her own.

Louis watched after them for a moment, his heart firmly settled in the pit of his stomach. “What’s up dude?” Tom  teased as he and a few others came up behind him. Louis merely remained mute. “Who was the chick?” Nemanja added. Wayne came beside Louis and sighed softly. “That’s Navishaa isn’t it?” he asked. Louis nodded his head. “She’s got a baby” he spoke softly, almost breathlessly. Wayne’s eyes widened. “That’s my boy” he whispered.

My Lucky Strike (Louis Tomlinson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ