Chapter 17

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Smiling softly as he watched her sleeping face, Louis rolled onto his back, his eyes staring endlessly at the white ceiling of his bedroom. They’d been in Manchester for almost a week, after Navishaa had agreed to come back with him, they’d wasted no time whatsoever. They’d packed her things in a matter of days and travelled up to the city, something which made him beyond happy.

When things had ended for them the first time around, he’d doubted that she would ever be with him again, but as she laid at his side, he now doubted that she would ever leave. He loved her, and little Oscar too, and he’d never imagined how perfect things were between them, not even in his wildest dreams.

Hearing Oscar’s soft cry from the monitor on the bedside table, Louis swept his feet from beneath the covers, watching as Navishaa ’s soft eyes peeled open. Smiling lightly, he kissed her temple. “Sleep” he mumbled. She was always alerted by Oscar’s cries, Louis guessed it came from having to deal with them for the first seven months of the child’s life on her own. “You need your rest” he insisted, but the brunette merely shook her head, standing haphazardly from the bed. Louis watched her curiously, his eyes scanning her suddenly pale skin. “Navishaa ?” he enquired meekly as she stumbled towards the door.

She looked ill and it worried the footballer slightly as he moved to her side, stabilizing her somewhat. “Love, are you alright?” he mumbled as he placed a hand to her head. She had no temperature which was a relief. Navishaa  looked at him shakily before shaking her head. She pulled out of his arms slightly as she leant over to throw up on the carpet.

Louis leapt behind her and took her hair in his fingers, watching her sadly as she finished. “Get back to bed” he whimpered softly “I’ll deal with Oscar and then clean this up” he mused. She furrowed her brow. She didn’t feel unwell, a little nauseas yes, but not sick. She was concerned by her sudden need to vomit and Louis seemed to notice.

“Did you suffer badly from morning sickness when you were pregnant with Oscar?” he enquired as he watched her. She had her colour back all of a sudden and it made him contemplate the idea that the night they had spent together after the cup final almost one month previous had led to a second pregnancy between them. She smiled slightly at the thought of having a second child as she nodded her head. She had suffered quite badly from morning sickness, but she’d managed to hide it from him before he’d left. “I think we need to purchase a kit then” he mused softly.

“I’ll head out in a little while and pick one up” she sighed. Louis nodded his head softly before he moved to grab something to clear the vomit from his carpet. Navishaa manoeuvred past him into Oscar’s nursery to soothe the crying infant.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to get it?” Louis enquired about an hour later, both were anxious and it seemed to show with the footballer who’d not been able to sit still since the idea had arisen in his head. He was excited by the thought of having a second child even if it’d not been proven to be true as of yet. Navishaa merely shook her head. “I’ll be fine” she mused softly “Besides, how would it look if you were caught buying a pregnancy test?” she enquired.

They’d not gone public as of yet, sharing details of their relationship only with those who were closest. The press didn’t even know of Oscar yet, Navishaa knew it would merely be foolish for him to get caught over something which was only a possibility at the moment in time. Louis rolled his eyes, complaining that he couldn’t handle the waiting for much longer.She gave a soft laugh before she kissed his head softly. “Keep an eye on him and I’ll be back before you know it” she giggled before he tugged her into a real kiss.

Sighing as the front door drew to a close, Louis turned to stare at Oscar, tracing the small boy’s frame with fondness. He loved his son. “Hey there little one” he mused softly as the infant placed his toy into his mouth. He had a good set of teeth and was often chewing on things. Louis smiled at the innocence of the child before letting daydreams cloud his vision. He knew it wasn’t concrete, not yet, but he had a good feeling about it.

Deep inside of him he believed he already knew that Navishaa was carrying his child again, an idea that filled him with an unequivocal amount of happiness. He loved the mere idea of having a second child and being involved in the pregnancy this time around, he loved Oscar, but he knew that this pregnancy would be more special to him if only because he knew about it this time around.

It wasn’t long before Navishaa  reappeared, a light green plastic bag clasped in her hands as she smiled. Louis who’d been fussing over Oscar, looked up, his face too lighting with a grin. “I’ll go do these then” she teased as she moved through to their bathroom.

He watched her before turning to Oscar who seemed to smile at his father encouragingly. He knew it was merely him being stupid, but Louis believed that the little boy was hoping that his parents would have a second child, he could see it in the way the infant smiled. Kissing his son softly, he moved towards the bathroom door, greeting Navishaa softly as she emerged, three individual tests clasped in her hand. Louis looked at her. “Two minutes” she mused softly as he wrapped his arms around her. She could tell that he, much like she was to an extent, was desperate to see a positive result.

Two minutes felt like an eternity to the couple who stood together still, their eyes fixated on the clock as the second hand made it’s way around at a leisurely pace. Louis had his fingers crossed as he held Navishaa tight to him, wishing that he would see a positive result. “Time” he said softly as he tried to keep his emotions in check. He didn’t want to get his hopes up only to have the dashed.

She nodded her head softly before she handed the tests to Louis, insisting that she couldn’t look. The striker took them in his hands tightly and sucked in a breath before he turned his eyes to stare at them.

“Positive” he mumbled. Navishaa looked up at him. “They’re all positive” he mused, the widest grin imaginable spreading across his face. Navishaa grinned too before she threw her arms around his neck. Louis held her close as they giggled to one and other.

It hadn’t been expected, but there was no doubt that they were happy it had happened. They were having a second child.

Well suprise suprise! Hope you liked this chapter, I had no time to double check it for mistakes, sorry. :)

My Lucky Strike (Louis Tomlinson)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum