Everyone who's watching the scene was surprised.

"NOONA ARE YOU CRAZY?! GET YOU DIRTY HAND AWAY FROM MY LITTLE SISTER!!" Yugyeom pull Hyuna's hand harsh and push her away. He immediately put the respirator back to it place before anything happen to Sonhyo again.

Somehow, Hyuna just realized what she have done. She gasp in shock.

"Yu-Yugyeom.. I-i didn't m-mean it.." she said in stuttered. Her hand was shaking trying to reach Yugyeom, but before her hand touch his shoulder. Yugyeom glare at her with a death glare. With his deep and serious voice,

" Get out you,Witch! " he chase her out.

Hyuna was surprised by Yugyeom words. He don't even look at her. Hyuna run away from the room.

Sehun saw the tears that fall from her eyes rolling down to her cheek before she leave the room.

Sehun wanted to walk out and talk to her but Jongdae stop him.

"Let me talk to her.." by that Jongdae run out from the room and look after Hyuna.

Sehun turned to Yugyeom that breathe heavily beside Sonhyo's bed while his head still looking down.

Sehun notice that Sonhyo is actually still in the room and saw everything that happen in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Sehun asked as Sonhyo nodded. Yugyeom didn't hear him cause he's still busy thinking what just happened..

"Sehun.. please talk to him. He must feel so bad now." Sonhyo says while pointing at Yugyeom. Sehun just nodded.

"Heyy.. are you okay?" Sehun asked again while patting his shoulder. Yugyeom look up and shook his head.

Sehun was quite surprised with his action.

"I just didn't understand it. Why she hate Sonhyo that much.. After want Sonhyo did to her,yet she still hate her?!" Yugyeom said while looking at Sonhyo and caressing Sonhyo's hand.

Sehun look at Sonhyo clueless.

As what he remember, Sonhyo never tell him the reason Hyuna treat her that bad. Sonhyo just shook her head.

"Hyung you're curious,aren't you? Of course you need to know about this, you're Sonhyo's boyfriend after all." Yugyeom said again. Before he continue, he let out a heavy sigh..

"Hyuna noona used to date someone before. I thought he was a nice guy and Hyuna noona already bought him to see our family. He really look like a nice and polite guy. But Sonhyo doesn't feel that way since the first day she meet him. But still, She treat that guy nicely because he's Hyuna noona boyfriend." .

"One day when me and Sonhyo was shopping my outfit for my show, she saw that Hyuna noona boyfriend was sitting with a unknown girl at the cafe. I didn't realize it and just ask her to wait for me at the cafe while I go to the restroom. She sit just right behind him and heard that he talk bad things about Hyuna noona and even cheat her." . "She try to tell Hyuna noona the truth about her boyfriend but Hyuna noona believe on him so much until she even believe the bad things that he talk about Sonhyo. One day, she saw he was kissing with other girl and he dump Hyuna noona just like that.. but Hyuna noona didn't blame that guy. She blame Sonhyo.. She believe that Sonhyo is the reason why he cheated on her and dumped her."

"I just want the best for Hyuna unnie.. He's not a good guy..." Sonhyo whisper slowly.

Sehun sighed.

"That is the reason why she mistreated Sonhyo?" Sehun ask then Yugyeom just nodded.

"I don't know when will Hyuna noona open her eyes and realize her mistake. Sonhyo didn't do anything bad towards her but she just hate her for no reason.." Yugyeom say as he keep staring at Sonhyo with his sad look.

Sehun stroke Yugyeom hair.

"Don't worry.. Everything gonna be okay.." he said comforting him. Yugyeom look at Sehun then smile.


Someone pov:

"I thought you can take care of this.. What have you done my daughter?" My dad said calmly. But I know he was so mad inside.

"I-i don't this know gonna happened. I'm sorry.." I said in stutter. This man is the person I'm scared the most.

"My daughter.. Do you know why I chose your sister instead of you?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Yes she's young.. Too young for this business. But i could see her potential and she know what she's doing. I'm really sure that she can handle this." He smiled. He's smiling while I'm holding myself from anger.

"Yes dad.." I calm myself down.

"I want you to keep your eyes on my heirs.." He said before leaving the room. The vase was the closest to me.. I grabbed it and throw it to the corner of the room. The vase broke into a million pieces.. Just like my heart.

A single tears fall from my eyes.

I don't know until when I will be patient. If I'm not patient enough, I would kill that old man!!!

I'm not a slave.. I'm his daughter.. yet he treat me like I'm nothing!!!

This is all that Little Girl fault!!!

I'm gonna kill you Kim Sonhyo!!


Heyyy yooo!!!!

I'm sorry for this late as hell update but yeahhh~~~

*I'm sorry,I'm sorry my sister*

Hahaha no.. I'm just kidding..

Btw use you brain and think who's that person. Well obviously, that person are one of Sonhyo's siblings,, ㅜㅜ that things are the things that Sonhyo didn't want to be...

Poor her..

Vote and comment to encourage to update more~~~ and i update this without double checking so There's must be a mistake with the spelling so I'm sorry my dearest reader~~

Love you all!!!

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