The Alphas Possession - Chapter Four

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The Alphas Possession. Chapter 04 - Here comes the devil herself

Although there is no use of swear words/mature language, there will be in future chapters.


"This is Cher, Cher this is Royalty." I looked up at Royalty who exchanged a quick kiss with Aaron. My heart shattered into pieces.

Just kidding. My heart didn't shatter for boys, it shattered for food. Poor apple. "Hello, Cher." Royalty said to me in a sick but sweet voice, raising her eyebrows as she looked at my clothing. "Yes, hello Royalty, nice to meet you," I responded in the same tone. She didn't blink once at me and it felt as if we were having a staring contest, bring it on girl. The tension was so intense Valerie had to step in and break us apart. "Whoopsies." I apologetically apologised to Valerie receiving a glare from her.

I turned to face Aaron for helping me earlier but he was getting up and getting ready to leave the cafeteria. I guess I'll just apologise later. "Cher I don't have next lesson since I hVe a school committee meeting." I nod feeling a bit lost without Valerie. This means I have to find my own way to my next lesson which was a double period of DT.

As I left the cafeteria I saw a glimpse of Aaron smiling at me, it was a sad smile though as if he was saying sorry. Sorry about what? His cow of a girlfriend? Pfft, she ain't got nothing on me. "Hey Cher, admiring Aaron so much you didn't even notice your own handsome cousin?" This voice sounded familiar, of course, it did. It belonged to Dreen the absolute idiot he is. "So how are you finding it? New town, nee home, new school and all that stuff." He smirked, pushing my head backwards as I walked on the spot.

"I'm dandy Dreen, now please move your lanky self so I can arrive at my next lesson on time. First impressions count." I huffed, taking hold of his wrist and twisting his arm backwards. "Damn Cher! You're really feisty, gosh calm down." The tables had now turned and I was the one smirking. I quickly walked away from Dreen before he could recover and dangle me over a cliff.

B Block, DT. I had 10 minutes to find my way, but now I had 5 minutes because of Dreen. "That idiot!" I yelled and kicked a trash can over. I looked at the ground before looking upwards. Aaron. Aaron? AARON?! "Um, hey Cher." He chuckled aware of my weird behaviour. I then and cleaned up the trash can, attempting to hide my face. I heard him mutter something but shook it off. "Are you lost?" He smiled staring right into my soul. "Yes, I am very lost." I sighed as he took hold of my hand which startled me a lot. "Follow me." He chirped dragging me along.

After walking around for what seemed like hours (which to be honest was actually 3 minutes) we finally reached my destination with time to spare. "Thanks, Aaron but aren't you going to be late?" I asked him, resulting in him looking down at his watch and swearing under his breath. "I should get going," he grinned as he jogged away from me. Once he was gone out of my sight the DT teacher shouted out that we should enter which triggered the train of students walking/barging into the class.

Since I was alone I sat in the middle of the class next to the window and stared through it as the teacher explained the next DT project. We had te choose the work separate or with someone in a group or a pair since I had no friends whatsoever I decided to work alone. Keep in mind that this class is a double period and I'm already so bored. "Mr Michel, may I please go to the toilet?" I raised my hand making eye contact with him. "Hmm, I don't know? May you?" He raised an eyebrow at me before waving an out of class pass. "Be quick." I let out a sigh of relief and got up from my seat. I walked up to the front and took the out of class pass then leaving the classroom.

As I walked down the hallway I looked through the small windows in the doors, seeing if I could find Dreen, Valerie or Aaron considering they were my only friends. "Cher why are you out of class?" I shrugged, jogging up to Valerie. "I'll have you know that Dt is extremely boring." She laughed at what I had said but immediately pushed us out of the way when a teacher came out from a classroom to check who was making such a monstrous noise. "Vale, which by the way is your new name, who's Royalty?" I suddenly felt curiosity run through me. "We should take this to the empty lounge room. I'm allowed since I'm on the school committee." I nodded and Valerie led the way to the lounge.

The lounge was pretty good looking considering that nobody actually came in here anymore. "Valerie, is this your hideout or something?" I asked her as we walked behind some bookcases which revealed a back room. The back room was tiny but so perfect, there were bean bags around a table and a TV on the wall. I let out a gasp of excitement and fell onto a bean bag. "This place is cool. Now start answering questions." I switched my tone from playful to serious, Royalty was definitely different from other humans and it felt weird. Valerie awkwardly laughed as if she had done something wrong as if she had already spoken to me but she had t. "Well, Royalty is, as you can see, Aarons girlfriend. They have an on and off relationship which has been going on for like 2 years now." Valerie explained before somebody interrupted us by knocking on the door.

Since I was closer to the door, I stood up and went to go open it only to be met by the eyes of Royalty.


A/N Happy late Christmas and new year! May this year be the year of no more procrastination by me! Anyways, I'd like to thank all you reads for making this book read 10.1k+ reads. 10.1k. I don't know how you guys are reading this book, it's written badly and has an unsteady storyline but nonetheless thank you all! You guys are the real ogs <3

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