Chapter 12

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Danjur woke up at 5 am to begin packing her and Quincy's things because everything else will be brand new. "Hey Danni, the trucks all packed up. You ready?" She nodded to her brother. "Yea, lets go before Quincy has a cow and call me for the millionth time." They arrived at the house just as the people with the new furniture were arriving. She instructed what goes where as the entered the home. After everything was placed, Danjur took to the kitchen to give the workers water. She paid them and made lunch for her men. She wanted something sweet so she decided on homemade New York style pizza and cheesecake. She was saving the southern home cooked meal for the house warming party with their families. "Guys lunch is ready!" Just as she called out her father walked through the door. "Ahhh babygirl. You made my favorite." She giggled. "Hey pop. I didn't know you were coming over." She stated with glee. "I had to come see what the fuss was about." He said with a chuckle. She bumped him playfully. "No fuss. Just me getting what I want. Of course you're always invited." He kissed her forehead and nodded. She handed him paper plates and plastic forks while she grabbed the food. She grabbed a 2 liter of root beer and placed it on the table. Quincy and True took a seat at the table. Nick said grace and they all passed the plates and cups around until everyone received their food. After joking,intellectual conversations,family discussions,setting up 4 televisions and 2 sound systems later Danjur and Quincy were curled up together on the couch in front of the fire. "You know Nick really is relieved he has somebody who still needs him." She nodded and continued to rub circles in his hand. "Yea. I just hate to see him so down. He's so lonely without mommy there with him, it's like he's heart broken. We're really close and I love having my dad around you know. It's like being a little girl again." Quincy chuckled. "There's nothing little about you Ms.Keli." She giggled and hit him playfully. "Oh hush up. I'm tired so how about a nap." She stated. He nodded, following her upstairs to their new California King bed, that Quincy was surprised was made and looked very inviting. Danjur took off her shoes and curled up into Quincy's arms and drifted to sleep.

Danjur woke up 3 hours later and took a shower and pulled on one of his t-shirts with short shorts and a sports bra. She quietly padded down stairs to the living room to start putting up pictures and dishes in the kitchen. She had just finished setting up the kitchen the way she wanted when she jumped from feeling Quincy's arms wrapping around her. "Jesus Q! You scared the crap outta me." He chuckled and kissed her neck. "Sorry babe. I couldn't resist. Especially in this shirt." She giggled and pushed him away. "Go hang the curtain perv." He chuckled and hung the curtains as requested. "You know just because we live together now doesn't mean you can boss me around." She giggled and wrapped her arms around him. Something about being in his arms comforted her. "Well. Looks like some things are gonna have to change." She kissed his cheek and walked away. She headed for the foyer to reposition the couches and the tables. She hated clutter so the less boxes surrounding her the better. She turned on Pandora to play through out the house and Rihanna's Do Ya Thang began playing. She hummed as she worked. Quincy placed curtains and hung pictures and occasionally helped move a sofa or two. He eventually realized that Danjur was in her own little world so he decided to record her for their first home movie. "Danni, hard at work, doing what she does best and looking beautiful." He whispered into the camera. "Quincy what are you doing?" She asked and not turning around. "Recording my beautiful girlfriend." She stood up and looked at him with a smirk. "Shut that thing off please." She whined. She looked a mess. She wore one of his t-shirts that normally came to her knees, tied behind her back exposing her stomach, her hair was tied in a ball, a pair of short shorts that hugged her curves and a pair of Uggs, with no make up but in his eyes she looked beautiful and smelled delicious. "No way. This is our first night in our home together. This is history girl." She giggled. "Fine! Fine! I give." She said in a giggle. They played around the house and recorded their games for Quincy's Facebook, twitter, YouTube and both of their instagram page. They were tired from setting up downstairs and was pretty tired so they decided to eat, shower and call it a night.

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