Chapter 1

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Danjur Keli was the most sought after professional stylist in New York. She worked with everyone from Kelly Rowland to Paula Patton. She took pride in her appearance and made a house hold name by helping others. She always felt that you should dress for the occasion but also dress in a way to be remembered.

She was close friends with a few of the celebrities she workes with but nothing compared to the relationship she shared with her 3 best friends Asia Robinson of Robinson Designs, a world wide high end clothing company; Tiffany Summers of Summers entertainment, a full production company,ranging from magazines and websites to music videos and movies; and Melanie Porter, Danjur's partner at Dangerous Styles Emporium, Melanie ran the business side of the company.

They all have dated that guy you thought was the one but came out to be a complete loser and waste of space ad precious time. Over time all of the found love after they stopped looking so hard. That is everyone but Danjur. No one permanently caught her eye or lived up to her high standards of what the right man should be. She had these high standards because she believed that she deserved nothing but the best if she was giving her all to love you.  She saw nothing wrong with wanting better for yourself and felt that you should never settle for less than what you deserve.

Danjur wanted to be nothing like her mother. Now she loved that woman to pieces and wouldn't trade her in for the world. In her eyes she was the perfect mother. Just never so lucky in love. Danjur learned a long time ago from watching so many men come and go out of her and her mothers life to never be attached to short term. It never ended well. Only in tears and heart ache. She couldn't bear to go through that much heart break and recover so quickly the way her mother continuously had. It was always a tough situation to witness growing up. She never wanted to subject her own children to such behavior or so many men for that matter. Having so many men walk in and out of your life can scar you for a life time. Make you unwilling to be loved or cared for by any man and that was her situation. No one had ever made her feel the need to be freely vulnerable. So many men had been in and out of her life she swore off dating for a while.

As she approached the rich age of 25, she felt like it was time to try again. So she set up lunch with the girls to get their opinion on the matter. She was thankful for close friends like them. Walking out of Cosmo after a meeting with the editor about the upcoming issue on Love and HipHop's Yandy Smith about her life and company EGL; she was asked to partake in she headed over to the Cheesecake Factory to have a gossip session with the girls. Due to heavy traffic Danjur was running 5 minutes late. She had finally arrived and instantly spotted the girls. "Nice of you to finally join us D. " Tiffany said knowing it would get under her skin. Danjur hated to be late for anything. She was early during her own birth so tardiness just wasn't an option for her. She simply rolled her eyes and took her seat. "I apologize for my tardiness. Traffic was pretty crazy today coming from downtown." She looked over the menu and ignored all 3 stares in the background. She loved seeing them squirm. Continuously ignoring her friends she ordered her food and took a sip of her long island ice tea. Asia cracked first. "Oh for god sake just tell us what the emergency lunch was for already Danjur damn." This caused her to chuckle because Asia was the most impatient of them all. Danjur took another sip of her drink causing Asia to huff. "Ok. Ok. Keep calm honey."

Danjur sat her drink down and just before she spoke their food was placed in front of them. "Last night I had this weird dream. You guys know I am against the whole dating thing." The girls all nodded to confirm her answer. "So, something in the dream stood out to me. It felt so real that I woke up in a sweat. I dream about all the gorgeous men I have pretty much seen naked but this one was far from any kind I've ever had. I felt love and compassion. It felt so real it was freaky. I was spooked the rest of the night. By the time I went back to sleep I had to get ready for work." The girls continued eating with a smile on their faces. Danjur however found no amusement in this recent revelation. "What's the joke here?" she asked annoyed. No one spoke. They continued eating, waiting to see who was going to spill first. Danjur sighed heavily. "Just spit it out already!"

She was becoming impatient and irritated. Melanie sighed. "We just thought that after the whole Tyler situation that you lost all hope on dating. I mean we want you to do what you want but we think you need someone to make you happy. We don't want you to be lonely." Danjur was dumbfounded. She never knew they really felt that way about her. "Well thanks guys. Tell me how you really feel." She said pushing her half eaten meal away and folded her arms as she leaned back in her seat. Tiffany felt bad. "It's not that we think you are gonna be a crazy cat lady. You hate cats but we think you deserve happiness and the right male attention could be beneficial." Asia sighed and spoke up. "We just don't want you to become your mother." Danjur tilted her head and looked at them as if they were insane. "Damn all of you." She placed her half of the tab on the table, grabbed her things and stormed off, while the girls called her name in the distance. "I can't believe she said I'll be like my mother."

Danjur sighed and threw her arm up to hail a cab. Once one finally stopped she opened the door and slid inside, bumping into someone. She looked to see a beautiful set of teeth and well groomed young man. He smelled heavenly and his presence instantly calmed her nerves. "I'm sorry I didn't know someone was in here.' Danjur began to reach for the door. "It's fine. We can share. Where are you headed?" She smiled sweetly and gave the driver the address to a realtor office a few blocks down from where she worked. She felt a connection with him but refused to be stalked by some stranger. A good looking stranger at that. "Nice meeting you." The guy called after her as she stepped onto the curb. She stepped into the realtor's office to see her sister Patience. "Hey Danni!" She smiled as she saw her older sister sitting at her desk. She stood and hugged her sister. "What brings you by?" Danjur sighed and took a seat and cinnamon roll off her sisters desk. "Do you think I'm turning into mommy?" Pati looked at her weirdly. "Are you having a early mid life crisis or something?" Danjur laughed and threw a pen at her. "No Pati. The girls said I might turn into mommy if I continue to remain single." Patience raised an eyebrow at her sister. She was amused at the thought but knew her sister was nothing like their mother. She was more independent. She liked the company of others but it was limited and she was content with being to herself. "Sweetie, you're nothing like mommy. You're way more independent." This caused them both to laugh. "Besides. I think if you're ready to date again then you should do just that. Just don't let mommy play match maker ever again." Danjur nodded, remembering how bad of a choice Tyler was. "Okay. I have to go. Got a client. Some up and coming artist and actor. Will give full details over dinner tonight. See you later." She kissed her sister and headed for the door. "Danjur!" She peaked back in the door way. "Your ass is way hotter than mommy's too!"

Danjur laughed and walked out of the building and into her own. She walked towards the elevator. Once she made it to the 3 floor, she took the long hallway to her office. "Ms. Keli your 4 o'clock is already here." Her assistant Tara called to her. She nodded and thanked her. She continued to check her emails as she walked into her office. "Hi. I'm Danjur Keli. What can I do for you today?" The guy stood from the chair and turned to shake her hand. She was met with the same smile and heavenly scent from the cab a few minutes ago. "I'm Quincy. Quincy Hilson." Danjur was speechless and mesmerized by the beautiful man standing before her. In a flash of 3 seconds the dream she had just the night before returned to her only this time his face was on the body that she couldn't detangle herself from.

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