Chapter 8

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Quincy made plans to make the night special for Danjur and to be honest he believe he was in love already. Danjur was the only woman he ever thought about, day in and out. She was really the only one he saw a future with but apart of him knew that she would hold back. She was afraid of true commitment and love. Quincy wanted to show her that there was nothing holding them apart. Even her crazy mother couldn't stop him or his heart being with the woman he knew was for him. "Son." Quincy blinked back into reality to see his father standing in front of him. "Hey pops. What brings you here?" He knew his mother had already informed him on how things are with Danjur and about the way her mother behaved a few nights ago at dinner. "Well. I'm not going to beat around. May as well get straight to it. Your mother and I are only naturally concerned. Are you sure being with your stylist is the best idea?" Quincy sighed. "I'm more sure than I've ever been. She's amazing. She has a big heart,she's kind and loving. Only flaw she has is being forgiving to her mother." His father nodded and stood to leave. "We're here for you Q." He stood and hugged his dad. Quincy had about 2 hours before it was time to meet up with Danjur so he decided to waste sometime in the studio. "What's up man. What brings you here?" He chuckled as he caught up with Austin, his current producer. "Just came to record a little while I got the time. He nodded and motioned for him to go in the booth.

They don't ever see you like I do

First thing when you wake up

Before you put on your make-up

And they don't really know you like I do

Cause with me you ain't the same

You ain't gotta run no game

Girl cause what you do and what I do ain't different

We both on a mission

I love your ambition

Danjur was watching a movie with Truth. "Do you think she will ever change?" Danjur was laying on her brothers shoulder as they watched Evil Dead. She sighed as she looked over at him. In so many ways to her he was so innocent, still perfect from their mothers evil ways. "In a weird twisted way. Pathetically I still have hope that she will. All we can do is hope that rehab helps." She kissed his cheek after he nodded. "I gotta go get ready for my date." She told him standing up, secretly wiping her face as she walked upstairs. She needed time to think. She needed time to herself. To prepare not to let these emotions show while she was with Quincy. She stood in the showers steaming water for a while to get her thoughts together. After she had finally calmed herself down she pulled herself out of the shower. She blowed dryed her hair and put some big loose curls in it and finger combed them apart. She went into her walk in closet to pull out a Ruby Ray navy blue dress with a see through top above the breast and completely across the back. She paired it with a navy blue pair of suede booties with a gold trim. She did her make up in a simple gold smokey eye and red lipstick. She pulled on a gold cross necklace and a gold and black Micheal Kors watch. She ran her fingers through her hair one last time after throwing the things she needed into her black and gold MK clutch. She grabbed her black quarter sleeve blazer and headed downstairs. As she made it mid way down she heard Quincy and Truth joking and chuckling in the hallway of the front door. She was pulling on her jacket when she realized that all the talking and joking had stopped. She looked up to see Quincy looking at her hungrily. She blushed and smiled, showing off her dimples. "You look amazing sis." She smiled and thanked him. "Shall we go?" She asked Quincy, who still hadn't spoke a word. He lead her outside and helped her inside of the Rover as the driver held the door open. He walked over to the other side and got in, soon after the driver began taking them to their destination. "You look beautiful Danni." She pecked his lips and wiped the lipstick from his lips. "Thank you Q." He looked her over. "You're more than welcome." 20 minutes later the car came to a stop. The driver got out and opened the door for them. Danjur stepped out first only to see cameras continuously flashing in her face. She felt Quincy's arm wrap around her and guide her inside out of all the paparazzi. 

"Welcome to Ruth's Chris Steak House." He smiled. "Reservation for Hilson." She nodded and showed them to their table. "Are you okay?" He asked. He could tell she was there but not completely. She smiled at him sweetly as she placed her hand on his. "Thank you. I needed this." She told him, making him feel better about their evening. The waiter came over and took their order. They talked about nothing in particular as they ate their meal. They headed out to leave after Quincy paid and left a tip. As they made their way out of the resturaunt the paparazzi attacked. "Are you two dating?!" "Danjur how do you feel about your mother going to rehab again?!" "What do you have to say about Quincy alleged love child with his ex?!" "How do you feel about Danjur once being engaged to Tyler Mitchell?!" Danjur was uncomfortable with the questions and the one about Quincy's ex and especially her mother kinda hit a nerve for her. Once they was at Quincy's place Danjur quietly walked inside and went to the kitchen for a drink. "Danni. Are you okay? She took a gulp of the liquid. "Yeah. I'm fine." She replied with a weak smile. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him. "Everything will get better. Just give it some time." He told her as he kissed her neck gently. He wasn't trying to get her in the mood purposely. He only wnted to calm her down and make her smile. Something he tried to do consitantly, no matter his mood, seeing her smile always made his day better to him.

He took her upstairs to run her a warm bath to help her relax. "Get in with me please." Danjur just wanted his company and being in his arms made her feel safe. Like all the drama outside of their little bubble no longer existed as long as they had each other. She curled up in his arms as they laid in bed talking about random things. "Quincy." He moved his face from out of the pillow to look down a little at her in his arms. "I'm scared." He sighed, leaning down to kiss her forehead. "I am too love." She looked in his eyes. "I really do love you." She told him with a gentle smile. He smiled as his heart swelled with happiness. "You what?" She leaned her head down to contain her stomach of nerves. "I said I love you Quincy." He placed a gentle, loving, passionate kiss on her lips. She rolled on top of him as her short brown bob sheilded her face. She was in nothing but one of his t-shirts. She preferred to sleep naked nut loved the way his scent always lingered on his clothes, even after washing them. He ran  his hands along her thighs as they finally broke the kiss from lack of oxygen. "I love you too Danni."

She smiled as he slowly stripped her out of his shirt, leaving her completely naked on top of him. He loved the way her silhouette looked in the dark with only a little light from the moon shining inside. He placed a hand behind her neck with the other placed on her thigh. She moaned softly as he placed a trail of soft kisses from her jaw, down her neck and over her chest. He raised her hips and slowly slid her down on on his fully erect member. Her walls were tight and surrounded him like a perfect glove. She rode him slowly as he slammed her waist down, pushing himself deeper. He loved watching her emotions of pleasure spread across her face. He gripped her hips as she rocked faster and harder. He groaned and plunged harder inside of her. He felt her walls begin to tighten. They looked each other in the eyes as they began to reach their peak. Danjur collapsed onto Quincy, with him still inside of her. He wrapped his arms around her as they both lay in the silence with only their heavy breathing filling the room. Danjur was content and happy. The happiest she'd ever been. She was finally in a good space and hoped things stayed this way. 

Danjur (Adult Interracial Story)(Book 1)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now