Chapter 2

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Danjur was flushed with embarrassment at the thoughts that began to run through her head. "If I didn't know any better Ms.Keli, I would swear you were following me." Quincy said with a smirk. He noticed the lustful look in her eyes. She moved her hand back to it's rightful place and cleared her throat. "What can I do for you Mr.Hilson." Danjur took a seat behind her desk and waited for Quincy to speak. He admired that she could keep things professional, no matter how awkward or sexual things seemed. There was no denying that Danjur was highly attracted to Quincy. The waves in her sweet spot indicated she was more than hooked on his handsome face and velvety silky smooth voice. His demeanor said a lot about him and her body was reacting in more ways than one.

"Right to the point I see. Well as you know I was formally in the group Lady Killers or as most say LK. Before we all had a certain look but it was all so teen heart throbish. Now that I'm older and on my own, I want to establish a more grown and manish look. I'm 26 now and the teen look is not where I wanna be if I wanna change my audience." Danjur nodded in agreement. No matter how fine they were then she agreed that the look was cheesy. She recognized the name on her appointment book once she saw it but she never really had the down time for movies or music because she was always working a red carpet, redoing someone's whole wardrobe or flying for different events. "So basically what you're saying is you want a more adult version of your cheesy look from back then?" Danjur was silently hoping he would say no. Quincy found amusement in the question tho she was serious. The question didn't bother him not one bit. He was glad she wanted to work with him. Personally he wanted her for himself but he took what he could get and in the words of his mother, "No grown man should have this many t-shirts and jeans in his closet." He smirked at her to show he was amused. He folded his arms and leaned back in his seat. "I want to completely redo everything. I want it to stay laid back and relaxed but not so teen like." Danjur nodded as she jotted down different ideas already swimming in her head for him. She stood and grabbed her windows 8 tablet in her hand. She tilted her head for him to follow. 

She began walking out of the office with him on her heels. "Follow me. I have a consultation fee of $300 an hour and the minimum of $6,000 or more per event. I accept personal clients and will need everything you have scheduled 3 weeks in advance." She stopped in front of Tara's desk. "Will that work for you Mr.Hilson." Quincy cracked his signature smirk. "Yes ma'am." She nodded and turned to her assistant. "Tara I need you to come with me. Hold all calls and meetings moved until tomorrow. If any of the girls call tell them I'll call them after dinner tonight and let my mother know I am attending dinner. Have all calls come through to the cell that's connected to this floor and follow please. I'm going to need you to take down all measurements,patterns, and more." Tara nodded and followed quickly. Danjur liked Tara the instant she saw her. She was dependable and trustworthy, she was very good at her job and very smart. She was more than welcome to give her a job to help her get to the position she was in today herself. Someone once gave her a chance and she vowed that if she ever had the chance and seen someone with as much potential or more then she was more than willing to give them the job. 

Once they made it to the 4th floor of the building The both of them followed Danjur off the elevator and into the room labeled "The Dungeon". Quincy gave Tara and questionable look with a raised brow. Once Danjur opened the door there wore more clothes in this one room a whole mall could be supplied with more than enough left over for a month. "Now Mr.Hilson." Quincy held his hand up. "Call me Quincy. Mr.Hilson is too formal. After all you are going to be working with me personally now." Danjur rolled her eyes and took a breath. If she didn't act uninterested towards this man Tara and anyone else in sight might see something very unholy come over her and she would be in church repenting every sunday after. She cleared her throat and repositioned herself because she was on fire and it felt like the walls were closing in on her the more his intense stare stayed on her. She hurriedly handed Tara the tablet with Quincy's file up and began looking for things that suited the look she had in her head. "So what occasion or event is coming up currently. Say sometime this week?" Quincy smiled as he thought about his mother's surprise party coming up. "My mother's surprise party is coming up this Friday. It's being held at my house but the event is formal." Danjur nodded as Tara took notes of the different looks Danjur kept commenting as she looked through the clothes. "Well for one we need to get you away from so much black. It makes you look Goth like and drained. So I'm going to need you to try on all of this. I'm sure these are the correct measurements. If not let me know. Changing room over there." Danjur said all of this in a rushed breath. Quincy smiled and walked away. Leaving the girls to gossip. 

"So what's the story between you two?" Tara asked without looking up from the tablet. Danjur chuckled. "Nothing nosey. Whatever your assuming is completely wrong." She shot at her. "What ever you say boss." Tara said before walking over to the brightly red sofa and taking a seat still not looking up from the tablet. "Dangerous Styles Imporium. Tara speaking." Danjur heard her say as she continued to pull different looks from the racks. "David wants to know if y'all are still on for tonight." Danjur rolled her eyes and gave a slight chuckle. "Tell him yes. I will give him a call after dinner." Tara nodded and relayed the message. She wanted to ask Danger about it but decided against it. In due time she knew Danjur would spill with full detail. Quincy came back in the room with a black pair of dress pants,a black dress shirt with a red hankie in the pocket, a white dress jacket and black dress shoes. All designer. All fitting him very well and all making it harder for Danjur to control herself. "Tara use the before and after pictures for his file. That will be all for today Quincy. I'll have this ready for you by Friday morning and anyone else in the party that needs my assistance don't hesitate to let me know. We will style your mother, father, 2 younger sisters and younger brother for free as a new client gift. I'll send you the intenoriary by Thursday morning." Danjur had Tara take down his info as she made her way back to her office in a hurry before she caved, reciting "lord please give me strength" the whole way. 

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