Chapter 5

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(Corey's POV)

"One, two, three, go!" Eren shouts and I raise my wooden sword up. We circle around each other before I make the first move. I try to hit his side but he blocks me with his sword. He takes a step closer and takes a swing at my head, but I duck down.

"Not bad, Corey Moore." Eren says as he tries to hit my stomach but I hit his sword hard, knocking it out of his hand. He bends down to pick it up and I tap my sword on the back of his neck.

"You're not a titan, so I won't hurt you. But if you were, you would be dead by now." I say to him.

"I'm not so sure about that." He quickly stands up and takes a swing at my back and hits me. I fall over a little bit but stop myself from falling over completely. I block his incoming swing and then jab him in the stomach. He stumbles while holding his stomach and I kick him onto the ground lightly. He falls over and I place my foot on the side of his arm.

"Okay, okay, you win." Eren says. I allow him to stand up and he brushes off the dirt on his jacket. I look to the side and see three people staring at me; the potato girl, some girl with a blond bun, and Mikasa. As soon as I look at Mikasa, she looks away quickly and swings her sword at Mrs. Potato.

"Corey, you're really good considering we've only been training for two days." Eren says.

"Yeah, well, I''ve been practicing with my brother a lot." I tell him.

He lifts his sword up asking for another battle, and I can't really do anything else so I raise my sword up. We continue to train until dusk.

I see the shadows of bodies making their way back to the cafeteria. I follow the light hanging off the building. My stomach growls loudly. Everyone looks at me and I act like it wasn't me.

The doors are opened by people that made it before me and as I get closer I can smell chicken. This is the best part about being a soldier; you can eat meat without having to hunt it down.

I eat with Tyler and Michelle and then Tyler and I make our way back to our rooms. Since I have been staying in Michelle's room since training started, I am not sure where my room is. Heck, I don't even have a room. Tyler and I knock on every door looking if anyone has room for two extra people. Most of them have room for one more person but none of them have room for two.

When we get to the end of the hall, we knock on the last door and get no response. Tyler opens the door and the lights are off, I suspect this room was made for us. I walk over to the end of the room and pick up the box of matches so I can light up the lantern sitting on the middle of the desk. Tyler climbs up the ladder to the bunk bed on the left of the room and I climb up the one on the right. I lay down and he lays down sideways. We're both too tired to say a word so we let each other drift off to sleep.

My heart jumps as I remember I didn't apologize to that girl. I'm going to do it tomorrow, I have to.

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