"@LavenderRose Is that so? Let me guess your favorite is the pink one?:p"

I nodded in satisfaction before plugging my phone to the charger and placing it back on the nightstand. Rolling to my left side, I brought the duvet to cover my lower half. I stared off to space letting myself get lost into my thoughts before my eyes closed and the last thing I saw were a familiar pair of violet eyes...

Lavender Rose

Laying in bed, I turned to my right side letting the comforter cover my lower half. We had a couple of hours to chill out at Kelly's house before we have to go to the X Factor studios and perform. The girls were making sure everything was in check while I decided to just bum around in my room.

I let my mind wander to this Zayn guy, I feel like that's all I've been doing all day. Just day dreaming about him, his dark hair, hazel gold eyes, pink full lips. He sure had the looks down. Then again anyone can look good in a picture. I didn't really get why I felt so hung up on this guy. So what he tweeted me? it's not a big thing. He seems nice, maybe he just wants to be friendly. It happens.

Letting out a sigh I decided to check my twitter, it was already 4:01 P.M. and I knew with the time difference it was already midnight in London. Who knows maybe he already responded my tweet? and while at it maybe I could do a follow spree or a question thing that the girls had been nagging me about.

Getting on Twitter I went straight to this guys profile seeing as I couldn't exactly look for him through all my mentions. I felt a flutter in my stomach indeed seeing a reply.

"@LavenderRose Is that so? Let me guess your favorite is the pink one?:p"

Unsure if I was suppose to laugh or scoff at his sexist tweet, I instead rolled my eyes and shook my head. Pink? really? Not all girls like the usual colors. Just like not every boy liked blue. I reflected on what I should write before sticking my tongue out a bit and typing

"@zaynmalik Actually my favorite is the black one. But I mean if you like the pink that's cool too! No one will judge!:D"

Pressing send, I let my phone fall onto the mattress beside me, its charger disconnecting and hitting the floor with a small clank. I didn't bother picking it up. I was able to get 95% so there wasn't any need. I listened to the sounds surrounding me.

I picked up an old Britney Spears song coming from down the hall, the words being muffled due to Annabella's closed door. I knew it had to be hers, Brooklyn was more into rap and hip-hop, plus I could hear her shouting at Anna to lower the volume. Putting a pillow over my head, I blocked their arguments and music taste out.


I sat up abruptly, a thin layer of sweat covering my skin. I took in gulps of air, looking around at the unfamiliar place. Piece by piece memories came back, hitting like a tidal wave. I must have fallen asleep noticing that it was darker than it was the last time I saw. Reaching for my iPhone, I patted everywhere. Where the hell is my phone? I looked over the bed...There it is! Face down on the ground I snatched it pressing down on the lock button.

5:06 p.m. it read.

We had to be at the competition by six. Since we were the three finalists and we were coming closer to the end of the season, today we would perform and by the end of the show they'll say who stays and who's out. Shuffling out of my covers; I placed my sock covered feet on the carpet before going down the hall in search of the other losers I called my friends.

I picked up on laughter coming from the living room, going down the stairs I peeked around the corner finding Brooklyn sitting on the armchair while Annabella was at her feet painting her toenails in what looked like a ruby red from where I was standing. I didn't bother notifying them that I woke up, instead walked towards the kitchen, they hadn't even seen me go through.

Making my way to the fridge I ignored the little whisper in my head rudely reminding me that I was looking larger around my stomach area. I wasn't exactly model skinny, the only one who had a thigh gap and small hips in our group was Brooklyn. Flat stomach and big boobs being Annabella. And if you were looking for thighs the size of Asia, curves, and a bit pudgy around the edges THEN I'd be your girl.

Shaking away the insecure thoughts I decided to just eat when we came back. Suddenly losing my appetite, I closed the door and turned around just to almost have a heart attack.

I hadn't even heard Kelly walk in, so seeing her sitting on top of one of the stools just munching on an apple surprised the shit outta me.

"I'm sorry did I scare you?" she asked worry in her voice.

I shook my head, putting my left arm behind my back, I was still wearing my jeans and crop top, but had taken off my jacket leaving my wrists bare.

"Oh. Well I just wanted a snack, are you going to eat something? Would you like me to make you a sandwich or?"

Shaking my head even more, turning down her sweet offer to make me food. My stomach suddenly decided to growl at that moment causing Kelly to give me a skeptical look. Before she could say something, I bolted out of the room running smack into Annabella.

"Shit Lavender!"

I looked down at her, seeing as she was the only one who fell. Offering her my hand, she let out a sigh before taking it and wiping dirt off her butt.

"You sleep okay?" She asked. I gave her a nod.

"That's good. Well look I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I don't know what got into me. Forgive me?" She batted her mascara covered eyelashes at me.

I nodded before stepping forward giving her a small hug. After letting go, she smiled and I walked around her going back upstairs. Seeing that it was already 5:14 I put on my boots again along with my jacket. I was nervous for tonight, but I had a good feeling about this...

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