Photograph-Song Preference

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Wes was gone for a fan thing, he'd already been gone a week, and he wouldn't be back for yet another week.

You missed him, you were really lonely, you just wanted him back for cuddles. You wanted him to curl up with you in bed and play with your hair and tell you everything was going to be okay. That's not going to happen and you know it.

You curl up in bed by yourself, imagining him by your side, his strong arms around you. Then you notice the picture you have of him on your night stand.

It was taken a year ago on vacation, you and Wes had gone to Disneyland, you had Minnie ears on and he had Mickey ears. You were both laughing so hard you couldn't breath. And he was hugging you, barely able to hold on because he was gasping for breath.

You really miss him. You decide to text him, just to be able to hear from him without him seeing your tears. 

Hey baby, I really miss you

You stare at your phone, waiting for a reply. But he hasn't seen your text yet. 

You can't stop the tears, you need him. You aren't okay and he's supposed to be here, he's supposed to tell you it's okay. Why isn't he here?

Your phone rings and it's him. 

Miss you too babe, how are you

You keep looking at the picture, how were you so happy then? Why can't you be that way again?

Please come home

He reads it immediately, and types for what seems like forever.

I miss you too, I want to come home too, but I can't come home. If you miss me, just look at our pictures together, and pretend I'm holding you. AMD as long as you have your phone, I'm right there with yu




Fuck *and

You let out a little laugh though your tears and send him a kiss.

Then you open your gallery. It's full of so many pictures of you and Wes, laughing, sleeping, doing stupid stuff. And you smile for a moment, and pretend he's right there with you like he said. 

He's holding you and telling you it's gonna be okay.

You keep his pictures as your home screen and lock screen for the whole week, and imagine he's there with you every time you start to miss him. When he finally comes home, he wraps you up in his arm. 

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