hurt eraser•jihope

Start from the beginning

I clenched my coat tightly in my hands and gritted my teeth as I tried my hardest not to bring any attention to myself. But that also failed. "Um, s-sir, are you okay?" the stranger asked worriedly. I couldn't even speak right now. I shook my head no.

The stranger pouted as he put a hand on my back, rubbing large circles into it. I began to hiccup a little, it was bad. How could he affect me this much? I really wanted our relationship to work but this was his last chance and he ruined it. I questioned if I had made the right choice.

"If it's not a problem, may I ask what happened? For you to be crying like this it must've been really bad." the boy asked as he looked into my eyes. His eyes were pretty, like a calming ocean. I breathed in and out readying myself. Talking about my problems always helped me out.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years." I blankly said staring out into space. It hurt me to say that because we planned to get married and adopt children. We wanted to be a big happy family. We wanted to live in a nice house in the suburbs of Seoul. We wanted to be in each other's arms for the rest of our lives.

I seen the stranger's mouth moving into an 'o' shape as he looked at me with pity. "I'm so sorry." he apologized coming closer and rubbing my back while I began to cry again. It was slowing down now, thankfully. The elevator doors opened revealing the lobby bustling with people. Just what I didn't need right now.

"Thank you very much for cheering me up," I smiled at the boy trying my best to seem healed, "but I must get going now." I bowed and waved at the boy before walking out of the small square box we once stood in. I just wanted to go home. I speed walked outside feeling to bitter cold nip at my cheeks. The wind brushed over my wet cheeks making me shiver.

I pulled my coat over my body and kept walking towards the bus stop down the road. My apartment was in a complex not far from Taehyung's. It was maybe 2 blocks away. I just had to turn left at the bus stop. That is until a hand grabbed my wrist hastily.

"Wait!" a male voice yelled and I looked down to see the boy from the elevator clinging to the arm part of my puffer jacket. It didn't make sense why he was still trying to talk to me. After all, he was just a stranger that saw me cry over my boyfriend. There was nothing else there really.

"I know you aren't fine, I couldn't let you go like this and then blame myself if something bad happened to you." He panted almost falling off from my arm. But what is the 'something bad' he's talking about? If it's stuffing my face with ice cream, I don't see why that's so bad.

"T-thanks for worrying... b-but I have to get home now." I shivered in my boots while carefully removing my arm from the small boy's hands. He just ended up gripping it harder while looking at me.

"Come with me, please. The café is not far." He yanked my arm and started dragging me the opposite way I had been walking before. I was scared. Could he be a murderer? I don't even know this guy!

"Excuse me but I don't even know you. Let go of me!" I exclaimed as I tried prying myself from his death grip on my sleeve but he didn't budge. He just kept walking like nothing mattered.

"My name is Park Jimin, I'm 21 and I'm from Busan. I like to dance and cheer people up." He smiled brightly as he turned back to me. The boy, now known as Jimin, had the perfect smile. It was almost contagious. I mean if I didn't want to cry my guts out.

"I'm Jung Hoseok, I'm 22 and I'm from Gwangju. I like to dance also. And I'm usually cheery but not today." I frowned at my last sentence but Jimin just stared and nodded. He looked as if he had been thinking.

"Well you're the first person who willingly let me drag them to my favorite place in Seoul so... this is pretty cool." Jimin giggled as he cuddled closer to me. He walked me into the warmness of the small place. It was oddly peaceful. I didn't really go to cafés much so it was a relief that they were quiet.

"Oh, hi Jimin! It's so nice to see you." an old lady who looked to be middle aged smiled and hugged Jimin tightly. So Jimin must've been a regular here.

"Hello Miss Kim, this is my friend Jung Hoseok." I bowed respectively and the lady grinned at me before reaching up on her tip toes and ruffling my orange hair.

"Are you sure he isn't your boyfriend? He's so handsome!" The woman smirked at Jimin and Jimin laughed along with her. The question made me uncomfortable but I smiled nonetheless.

"No Miss Kim, he's just a friend!" Jimin pouted at Miss Park as she patted his shoulder a few times before going back behind the little counter.

"Well you must be here for something child. What can I get you?" The lady motioned for Jimin and I to come over and tell her what we wanted. I wasn't in the mood for any drink or anything. But of course, Jimin being Jimin, he told the Miss Park to get me the same thing he was getting for himself. A Chocolatey Twist Supreme.

As the lady nodded and went behind to make the drinks, Jimin sat us down at a table nearby the window. It was also by a heater so it was really warm.

"Thank you so much for taking me here and stuff but I didn't really want anything and I don't want you spending your money on me. I'll pay for it." I offered but Jimin suddenly got loud, refusing to let me pay.

"I brought you here and plus the drink is really good. I'd like to share it with someone." He smiled wistfully at me and I just nodded. When it came to him, for some odd reason, I couldn't say no. He was just so cheerful and happy with life. Or so it seemed. He wanted nothing but the best for anyone. I didn't want to take his sunshine away.

"Okay I'll try it and then I'll go home." I sighed but Jimin shook his head at my answer.

"You'll be hanging with me for the remaining time of the day. I need to make sure you're okay and can move on. Let me cheer you up Hope!"

Hope? Was that his new name for me? I kind of liked it. Hope, a symbol for change, a new beginning.

"Hope? Why that name? Just call me Hoseok." I said as the drinks arrived. A young girl delivered them with a smile before handing the bill to us on the table.

"I like that name for you because you're going through a hard time and all you need is hope really." The boy shrugged as he answered. I guess he just came up with it as he went along.

I sipped on the drink Jimin ordered for me. It was surprisingly delicious. Too delicious to be real. It was like something out of a movie. Fantasy. I took gulp after gulp. Not before long, I had devoured the drink. The chocolate and sugar coursing through my veins. I liked this feeling.

"Do you like it?!" Jimin giggled as I nodded profusely. Jimin bursted out into another fit of laughter as he looked at me. What was so funny?

"You have something... right there." Jimin pointed to my mouth and smiled as I struggled to get it. "Let me." He bent over the round table reaching his thumb out and swiping it over my top lip. I began to blush as he licked the chocolate off of his finger before grinning up at me. I smiled along with him.

"You're blushing!" Jimin yelled as he squeezed my cheeks and I whined for him to leave me alone. I kept denying it even though I actually was.

I had almost forgot about what I had been so upset about before. It was like Jimin was the eraser to my heart. That's all I needed. To erase this hurt in me.

a/n: this was almost a drag queen inspired story, y'know hoseok was gonna be the drag queen who's wig fell off and jimin would search all over seoul to give him back the wig omg

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