
5.8K 75 33

Genre:Angst idek
"Do you like me back?" Sareun whispered in Jungkook's ear seductively. Why didn't these girls understand the meaning of "no" or "I don't like you in that way"? Jungkook smiled at the gorgeous, long haired female but quickly declined her offer.

"Um, sorry but I don't want to be in a relationship right now. But thanks for admiring me and I admire you back as a friend." Jungkook tried so hard to be nice to this girl as she has been stalking him for weeks. He didn't want her bawling in the now crowded school hallway.

Surprisingly, the girl gave Jungkook a big smile and a hug to signal friendship. "That's what I like to see." Jungkook cheered the girl on her smile which made her blush so bright. Even though Jungkook let the girls down, eventually they became pretty good friends. The girl began to walk away and so did Jungkook.

Jungkook quickly made his way to his locker before anyone trampled over him. Suddenly, a warm and soft hand sat on Jungkook's shoulder of his yellow uniform jacket. "Yah babo!" Jimin yelled into Jungkook's ear. Jungkook cringed from the sudden loudness, which no one in the hall noticed. Jungkook forced a smile avoiding the questions Jimin could ask him.

"Let's go to lunch." Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him to the vast cafeteria. Jungkook covered the huge blush that seemed to spread all over his face.


Jimin and Jungkook stood in line for their lunch. "This food isn't even worth the gum on the bottom of my shoe." a girl at the front of the line snickered. The girl got her tray and threw it in the lunch lady's face. As the girl began to walk away from the mess she had made, her faced gaped open.

There was Jungkook with the lunch lady wiping her face off and staring back at Sareun. Jungkook looked disappointed and angry at Sareun. He looked away and continued comforting the lunch lady. As Jimin stood there he wondered what was going on. Did Jungkook know Sareun?

Why was he so disappointed in her, didn't he know she was trouble? Jimin brushed it off, but remembered to question Jungkook about it after school.


"Hey, can I ask you something?" Jungkook rolled his eyes but smiled brightly at Jimin.

"Um, you know Sareun?" Jungkook nodded and then he noticed Jimin's facial expression. He seemed to be staring off into space, like they do in sad mvs.

"Wae hyung?" Jungkook was confused. Was there something wrong? For the past seconds, he was going mad. He didn't want to upset Jimin even more so he kept walking alongside Jimin or at least trying to catch up with him. Jimin seemed like he was jogging to his home. He could hear Jungkook's quick footsteps behind him but decided to ignore them.

Finally, Jimin reached home. He ran onto the steps and ran up the stairs to his room. Jimin's mother, Mrs.Park, was too busy in her writing process to notice Jimin frantically tripping over the stairs into his room. Hot tears streamed down Jimin's soft baby skin. Didn't Jungkook know that he liked him? Why would he be hanging out with Sareun/Mrs.StealYoMan?

Jimin curled up into fetal position and drifted off to sleep to calm his nerves.


Jungkook was getting nervous. Usually Jimin called him wishing him a good night. Just then, he noticed how much he needed Jimin. After the incident earlier that day, Jungkook was trying to prove he could live without Jimin's goodnight lullaby, but sadly he couldn't. Jungkook repeatedly checked his social networks and messages.

The only notifications he received were a couple dms and a post from Twitter, 3 messages from girls trying to ask him out on KakaoTalk, and a few likes and follows on Instagram. Jungkook decided to check Twitter first. As he scrolled down his news feed there was a tweet from Jimin from 3 hours ago. Jungkook read to the words. The tweet read "Loneliness is not a feeling, rather a presence that is unwanted." Jungkook was confused.

All he wanted to do was hug Jimin and tell him that he was with him but it seems like he wants space so Jungkook didn't bother to text Jimin. Jungkook put down his phone, turning it off. Jungkook sighed in agony at the pain in his heart. "Stupid feelings." he spat the words in the air like dirty laundry. Jungkook layed down and rested with the typhoon in his mind.

Sorry for this terrible story. I didn't know how to end it. Would you like a pt.2? Can anyone tell me specifically when BTS comeback is? I NEED TO KNOW. GIRL LET ME KNOW! Next oneshot will be with 3 members so get ready for that. And also please get this story to 1k for BTS Imagines. I believe in you chingus. Anyways thanks for reading and I love you all, good night.



(if you are an Army y'know what I mean by "infires".)

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