Chapter 11 - Wintervale Castle

Start from the beginning

As they return to the castle Rebecca notices all sorts of magical plants that she has never seen before. This included a tree with glowing purple lotus flowers, golden water lilies, blue holly bushes, and the list continues. Rebecca deactivates her armor that has started to make her feel uncomfortable.

A soldier comes running towards them. He pants heavily as he reaches them. Guss' face starts to become red again. She can see a vein pulsing in his neck. "Marty, you better have a decent explanation on the shut portcullis in the business district and the reason you are late for duty?! I have been receiving letters about this none stop all bloody day!"

"I am sorry, captain. My wife was attacked this morning while hanging her washing. Didn't know about it until I realized I overslept. I had to clean and calm her down before com..." The soldier explains.

"I don't care about your wench problems! I want the portcullis winch fixed by morning!!! Is that clear!!" The captain replies in livid anger.

"Guss calm down. We can deal with this a little more calmly, please. Marty, who attacked your wife? Is she in any state to tell a soldier what happened?" Rebecca asks.

"Erm... Not sure. She couldn't walk and refuses to tell me what happened. She was attacked like this before. I am just not sure if she will be okay," replies the soldier.

Rebecca's stomach gave a horrible lurch and she feels like she is going to be sick. She doesn't have to read minds to know what happened to Marty's wife. "Guss, is this a common problem?"

Guss sighs heavily and shuts his eyes for a second. "Yes, your majesty."

"Marty, have your squadron report to Guss. Once you have done this I want you to take your wife to a local healer. The attack has harmed her tremendously. Not just physically but emotionally as well. Support and make sure she is as comfortable as possible. I don't want to see you back in your post until the day after tomorrow. You are dismissed," Rebecca tells Marty.

She watches him leave through the gate and towards the city. "Guss, his squadron can take care of the winch. Even my soldiers are affected by the bad state of this kingdom... My kingdom... My people." She stares at Marty's retreating form through the gate. "I have to make it right. I can not leave it like this. If the soldiers have a legitimate marriage certificate their wives can stay with them in the barrack rooms for their safety. This is only a temporary solution. I want a part of the city quartered as their homes. I don't want to hear this happening to the families of my soldiers. I need them to investigate these crimes in the city.  I can't do that if they can't even protect their families."

"I thought the portcullis would be your main priority," Guss states.

"What good is a fixed portcullis if my people are suffering attacks from inside the city? Then these walls have lost their purpose. Businesses have no room for the well-being of the low-class district. Other gates are open and they can use those for the time being. Come, the sun is getting low and I still want to inspect the vaults," says Rebecca.

She turns towards the castle courtyards and follows Guss past the outer keep of the castle on the left side of the castle entrance. Hear she can hear the waves breaking against the rocks more clearly. Now and then a fresh sea breeze carries some sea spray over the wall and she feels the cool dampness against her cheeks.

She sees archers practicing to perfect their skills on mock targets. They lower their weapons as she and Guss pass behind them. Rookie swordsmen are learning the art of becoming master swordsmen from a veteran swordsman shouting instructions and giving a representation of the move he is trying to teach the men. Pikemen guard the entrance of every door into the castle as well as every door inside the castle that is deemed important to protect.

"Why did they not protect my father's office then? There could be important information on the table that I don't want people to see or know. Especially when it regards military missions and financial information," Rebecca asks as she remembers how easily she has gained access to the room.

"I see your point. It shall be rectified with the next shift," he replies as they stop by a pair of double doors. The pikemen stamp their pikestaffs and acknowledge Guss as they approach the door. The pikeman to the left opens the door and Rebecca follows Guss only to be blocked by the pikemen.

"Guss, civilians are not allowed into this part of the castle. You know the rules," says the one from the right.

Rebecca stares daggers at the pikemen and activates her arcane armor. The two men swallow hard and immediately stand on attention again saluting her. "Your majesty." They acknowledge and let her pass. Lisa chuckles next to her.

"Your arcane armor has changed. It always had a tiara that revealed your noble status. Ever since your trip with Lila, your armor has changed. It now has a queen's crown and your cape is full length. Remember what our teachers said about the armor?" Lisa says.

"The arcane armor reveals the station of people that are of noble blood. Arcane armor shows the coat of arms of the noble family a magician is from. The teachers could not identify the coat of arms on my armor. It wasn't in any of the books in the library either," Rebecca replies.

"That's because a lot of knowledge from this continent is missing in the future," Lisa replies.

They stop close to Guss now standing in the middle of a very large room with towering pillars. Numerous carvings of dragons decorate the pillars. Multiple chandeliers hang from the ceiling. Large colorful windows are decorated with velvet red and gold curtains. Rebecca noticed that the wood floor is polished to a mirror sheen and her reflection stares back at her.

The silver tiara she is used to is gone and replaced by a regal crown. Two golden dragons hold a large ruby shaped like a heart on the crown. Her white mid-length white cape has been replaced by a full-length red cape. She knows that attaching her arcane armor into the Fiery Dragon's magic in the necklace, but she did not expect the armor to have changed this much. Gone is the gleaming silver full plate armor and replaced by a golden armor of chainmail that looks as if the chainmail is made of dragon scales that cover every inch of her body. She shifts her stance to look at the cape. She can just make out the gold coat of arms shimmering on the red cape.

She looks up and notices a raised platform to her right. They are in the throne room. "You want to give it a try. It is your chair?" Guss asks.

"Not right now. Is this also the ballroom?" Rebecca asks.

"Yes. From the main entrance, the ballroom is the stairs from the left and the council room that is also a courtroom is the stairs on the right." Rebecca walks towards the opposite door following Guss with Lisa on her heels.

He shows them the way to the scullery, servant's quarters, magician quarters, knights quarters, the soldier's common area, drinking bar, the knights quarters that has a grand hall decorated by large statues of armored knights.

He takes her past the knight's quarters to the vaults set into the side of the mountain. It is already starting to get dark when they arrive at the vaults. The interior is dark with only a small single heap of gold close to a table. She knows that it isn't nearly enough for the upkeep of a castle.

She looks into the dark depths of the vault. Hoping there might be something they have missed. She fishes the marble from her pocket and lights it up. She lets it hover in the air and sends it to light up the vault.

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