"I know. I know you just missed having me around!" He joked and I laughed sarcastically. "But really it was all thanks to Lauren. She made this happened and I can't believe I get to spend my vacations here with you and here!" I just hummed in response not bothering on saying anything about what Chris just said to me and as soon as I was about to stretch my arms out lazily, I felt a pinch by my arm. Jumping up a little by surprise and turned my head to Chris. "What the fuck?" I hissed and he tilted his head by the side and had a cocked eyebrow.

"Look, I know you don't really get along that well with my sister but (Y/N), you should really ease up on her a little.. I know she-" I pushed him back before he could say what I fear what he was about to say and I glared at him knowing he didn't want to pick a fight whenever I was this furious about that topic. "Don't even go there, Chris. I won't. I literally won't hesitate on you." I scowled and he raised both of his hands up like how a criminal would be caught by the police.

"Okay, okay!" As I was about to go back inside to get a drink. I became stone in my very position and I felt my heart drop.

"What are you two idiots doing here?" A raspy voice called out behind me and I turned around slowly seeing the most hypnotizing steel green eyes I've seen. "I-I'll be right back!" Chris stammered and stumbled as he gets inside. I feel very unlucky at the very moment. Chris just avoided the very situation knowing if Lauren and I fought he wouldn't be able to stop it. Last time he tried well... Let's just say it wasn't the way he wanted it to end.

"Jauregui." I said in a monotone voice and I was keeping myself sane since being around the Cuban-American was like staying in an ongoing war that was slowly about to come.

"(Y/L/N). Didn't know you'd be here." She said with sass while putting a hand on her hip and the other held her glass of alcohol, her dress did fit her bitchy aura as for her hair it was flowing down with beautiful curls. If it wasn't for her sickening attitude I would've possibly tried to be friends with her.

"I didn't know they'd invite 'you' here." I emphasized the you and I knew the look she was giving me. The way how her face turned beat red and how her steel green eyes instantly turn deadly like they were throwing daggers at me completely. I knew I had pissed off the famous Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado. She was about to say something to me again but her sister entered the very intense battlefield right in and she walked up to me then gave me a small hug.

"Oh My God! (Y/N)! How's it been?? It's so nice to see you again!" Taylor exclaimed then squished me into another hug making me laugh lightly and forget about the green eyed woman who kept burning holes through me. "Been doing pretty good, kiddo." I replied in a very short sentence and she glanced at her furious looking eldest sibling making me smirk.

"Lauren? What's wrong?" Taylor asked eyes filled with concern and walked up to Lauren then rubbed her shoulder gently to calm her down. "Yeah, just saw something very unpleasant." She exclaimed then shot me a glare as she was given a hug by her sister and flipped me off. 'Fuck you.' She mouthed at me then returned to her good girl image when her sister pulled back from the hug.

I know this mutual (hate) relationship Lauren and I have was never ending but really? She was the one to never back down and her hard stubborn head matched her annoying personality so well. She was this funny, confident, generous and mature role model for teens out there on TV but in reality they didn't know her like I do. The one that they praised so much was my enemy. She was rotten, immature and despicable whenever we manage to cross roads in so many different ways. This pale Cuban was and is a fucking pain my ass. I tried to think back on so many times why we never got along then I remembered; she fucked up my life.

"Do you maybe want to go on a lunch with us tomorrow, (Y/N)?" I snapped out of my own world when Taylor spoke up and I was about to politely decline. She knew very well that Lauren and I never got along but this girl always managed to convince me. "I won't take 'no' for an answer!" Taylor warned and she pulled off her most intimidating look at me and I nodded with my hands up like what Chris did earlier. "Fine, I'll goooo. But Clara has to make my favorite food!" I gambled and Taylor huffed then nodded. "(Y/F/F)?" [Your Favorite Food]

I nodded once again and she hugged me once again, skipping out of the balcony then into the party with the biggest smile she had on her face. I noticed the green eyed woman still in standing across from me and she had this annoyed look on her face.

"I don't get why my siblings hang around with a loser like you." She said with a disgusted look on her face then flipped her hair when she turned to walk back into the party.

"Bitch." I muttered under my breath then walked inside after seeing Lauren was out of my sight and I smelled the faint scent of beer when a muscly arm was draped over my left shoulder and I looked to my side to see who it was. "Ugh! Luke??" I exclaimed then noticed how he spouted nonsense at me. Luke and I were pretty good friends but I could never stand his drunk side.

"Heeeeyyyy! (Y/N), didn't know you like Jauregui." He whispered in my ear making me scrunch up my nose in disgust when I smelled the stench of beer from his breath, his arm was wrapped around my shoulder firmly so I couldn't even pull away and I see two of his band mates; Calum and Ashton walk up to Luke. Peeling him off of me and I was about to walk away when Luke smirked at me.

"I knew it you liked that Fifth Harmony girl!" He exclaimed a bit louder than before and I shook my head then smacked the back of his head without any shame. "I do not! Luke Hemmings, I do not like Lauren Jauregui." I clarified and he raised an eyebrow at me. 

I didn't notice that someone was already standing behind me and by the time I turned around there was these people I expected to see; Zayn Malik, Bea Miller and Cara Delevigne . Aka my BFF's. "Guys!" I exclaimed then pulled them into a group hug and Zayn ruffled my hair a little making me pout.

"I find that hard to believe, (Y/L/N). You not liking the 1/5 singer from Fifth Harmony??" Zayn said while the two other girls nodded in agreement.

"I like them, Zaynie. Minus Jauregui." I cringed at the thought of me liking that green eyed devil who has done nothing but pick fights and call me names.

"Is it too hard to be nice?" Cara joked as her thick British accent was showing clearly and I nodded vigorously at what she just said. "Towards that she-devil it is very hard to be nice!" I said whisper yelling to her making sure no one else heard just the three of them and Bea shook her head in disappointment.

"Here I was friends with a hater of Lauren." Bea joked and I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "Do you hate her that bad?" She asked and I gave her a look 'Are you fucking kidding me?'.

"Sure, she can trick anyone with that goddamn good girl act but not me. I know her perfectly well and she's like a fucking monster. Hell, I can't even last in a room 30 seconds with her." Zayn smirked at what I just said and I knew that goddamn look he was pulling.

"You became like a bitter old woman there,(Y/N). I thought you liked feisty women." He joked and I rolled my eyes at him making him laugh at my reaction. "That woman is not feisty. She is despicable." I simply stated making Cara smack Zayn's head from the back when he laughed louder and he instantly stopped as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So, you haven't even heard?" Bea asked and I shook my head 'no' getting instantly curious at what she had brought up. Bea rubbed her forearm and pursed her lips a little then took a deep breath. "I overheard your father and Mr. Jauregui. They were talking to us until they started to talk about-"




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