What did we just do

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Amia POV

I just kissed Chris, I just KISSED Chris. I was screaming in my head while pacing in front of the bed again. Chris just sat his happy ass on the bed touching his lips and looking in deep thought. 

I groaned and stormed out the room, I didn't know what to think or do. So i called the one person who know more about these situations then I did.

"hello" a groggily voice answered the phone

"Hey Scott, did I wake you" i asked biting on my fingernail

"Yes, and i need my beauty sleep so if you don't mind i'm going back to sleep" he began to end the call

"Wait, wait!" i screamed in the phone

i listened to make sure he didn't hang p on me 

"Im listening" he said.

I breathed a sigh of relief 

"What Im about to tell you I dont want you to freak out about but i need your advice because you know him the most"

after i finished telling him about everything that happened, from the moment i broke his nose to today when we woke up. I had left him speechless ,which was a hard thing to do.

"Scott, you still there" i asked worried

"o-oh yeah i'm still here, I'm just trying to plan out your wedding because he definalty likes you and you like him so whats the problem. Why did you have to call me to figure this out." he asked huffing.

"Scott" i whined

"Mia" he mimicked me .

"i just don't know what to do, I'm scared and excited at the same time. i mean i like him, i like him a lot , but what if he just likes me for my body and not my personality". i said 

" i know Chris, Mia he would never do that. He likes you, just make the first move don't be a pussy"  i gasped. 

"Scott, you know i don't like that word, and i already made the first move fool. I'm the one who kissed him remember" i said 

" Mia, i love you and you know i do. But you need to figure out what you want and don't be so scared to go after what you want okay? i promise you wont regret it. I gotta go talk to you later sweetheart" he said .

Before i could say something else i heard the faint noise of the phone disconnecting.

I turned around to go back in my room but bumped into something hard but strangely soft. I looked up to see Chris' eyes staring intensely into mine and before i could say something he started talking.

"i don't regret it" he said

"what" i asked confused 

"the kiss, I don't regret it " he said stepping impossibly closer.

"oh " was all i said. 

but what i had in mind to say and what actually came out were two very different things. 

My mind wanted to say " i dont regret the kiss either you big doofus and i wish you would do it again" but my mouth only seem to mutter an "oh" like wtf?

The temperature in the room got unbelievably humid and I was once again questioning myself. But before i could apoligize Chris' lips met mine once again and it said everything i couldn't, and we didnt stop until both of us were panting. 

He looked down at me and i looked up at him and without any care in the world, i jumped in his arms and he carried me back to the bedroom. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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