do I like her?

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Mia p.o.v

After that night at the carnival, I bumped into chris ,literally, again. I got his number and we have been texting non stop all day. He wants to know what I am doing all the time. It's sweet , but he isn't my boyfriend. So why is he texting me he likes you I thought to myself does he like me? Nah! I brushed it off. He can't he doesn't like black girls....... I think?

Chris p.o.v

Mia bumped into Me at the carnival again and she gave me her number. To say I was happy was an understatement, i was overjoyed. I texted her today and she replyed! She actually texted back, I had a feeling that she wasn't but she prove me wrong. I was texting her when scott walked passed me and saw who I was texting " omg, are you texting amia?!" He knew who she was?  "Yea, you know who she is?" I raised my brow at him and he sighed dramatically " you don't remember Mia from our childhood? The girl you used to drool over everyday after school. She was my best friend! I can't believe you don't remember!

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