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Mia p.o.v

Mont and I where going to see a golden state Warriors game today. I got tickets for our birthday so I got tickets on the court side. I pull up to mont's driveway and honk the horn. *buzz* I got a phone call from Scott

Mia: what do you want Scott

Scott: well damn, can't i get a hello

mia: hello, now what do you want boy

scott well, i justed wanted for you to come over for dinner with me tomorrow night. pleeeaseee!

mia: sure, ill come on one condition

scott: what is it, ill almost do anything

mia: mm, you have to pick me up, I'm not wasting my gas.

scott: yea , ill be there by 3 thanks mia, bye!

Scott p.o.v

my plan was in effect. mia was going to fall in love with chris and i would have cute little nieces and nephews and have chris stop bringing home bimbo's who i hate. they remind me of strippers. " so are you going to mom's dinner tomorrow" i asked chris. " no i don't think i can make it, i have to film some of civil war tomorrow" "oh ok, " crap! now mia is coming for no reason. oh wait " ok ill see you later chris bye" 30 minutes later " ok, thank you peyton , yeah, he will be there on monday alright bye. Now chris can come to dinner and mia will love me and chris forever.

* the next day *

mia p.o.v

I'm getting ready for scott's dinner and i had no idea what to wear. something casual, something dressy? so, i just put on some holy jeans, yellow shirt, and some sandals. it was a little warm outside and i didn't want to sweat. scott was going to be here in a couple of minutes and i didn't want to eat so i just got on my phone until i heard the doorbell . "hello?" i asked on the other side of the door. "its me scott" i let him in and soon we where on our way to his house, or at least i thought. " scott, where are we going?". i asked confused. "oh, i forgot to tell you, were going to my mom's house for dinner she cooks the best food so i thought if i was better to go to her house". i breathed a sigh of relief i thought he was going to kidnap me. "wait, is chris going to be there?' " i don't know he never told me , he said he had to work". i breathed another sigh of relief. at least i didn't have to see his face. we had been texting since i got his number at the premiere but i wasny ready to see him yet. we pulled up to a cute yellow house. it was simple and i liked it . then i saw mrs. evans come outside and greet me. me and scott have known each other since i can remember but i moved and we just stopped talking. i hugged her and she invited me inside the house . i heard mr. evans booming voice. " mia, its been a long time" he smiled bear hugging me " yes sir, it has" i smiled back. " oh call me bob" he leads me to the living room and i smell him before i see him. he's back is faced me and i can already tell he looks delicious. he has a black sweater and jeans on with his hair gelled back and his little beard looks good. he turns around and his mouth drops . "mia?"

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