How to swat a Queen bee

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AN: Happy New year everybody! I hope all of you are doing well.  I have some surprises planned this year so be ready ;) I am however taking a break in January so you'll see me back during Valentines day XD

This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the How to train your dragon world, which is trademarked by DreamWorks Animation L.L.C. and originally written by Cressida Cowell, and I do not claim any ownership over them or make any money from them. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official storyline.  

I hope you enjoy this story!

Astrid slammed her locker shut while grumbling. She was still limping from the accident and the accusing stares she was getting in the hallway hadn't helped her mood at all. There were a few snickers as she walked past a group of cheerleaders. Even the nerds were whispering about her. That was unacceptable in her eyes.

All she had to do was make it to the next class, but a sharp pain in her knee sent her to the floor, scattering her books and papers everywhere. Astrid cried out in pain but no one was willing to help her. They all blamed her for losing the State Nationals. She paused for a moment to catch her breath and calm down; to try and control the pain.

"Well well, looky what we have here." Three cheerleaders approached Astrid. "If it isn't the idiot who lost us the win." A brunette cheerleader said haughtily. "You're right where you should be. On the floor to be trampled on."

Astrid ground her teeth and peered up. She so wanted to punch the girl. "Listen here Stacey! It wasn't me who fouled up!!" Astrid shouted. "You're the one who decided to ignore the safety regulations!!"

"So what!" Stacey stated while flicking a lock of her hair back. "It's still you who made the pyramid fall." Most of the squad had gathered behind Stacey now and were nodding. "You caused us our 6th consecutive win!!"

"And you cost me a knee injury you bitch!!" Astrid yelled now in the corridor. Many of the students gasped at Astrid's audacity. Stacey was the queen bee of the school and she could ruin your social life if she wanted to.

"Astrid, you might want to watch your mouth." Stacey said calmly. "It wouldn't do to upset me. Who knows what might happen. Especially now that you aren't a cheerleader anymore."

Astrid had grabbed a locker handle and pulled herself up ready to punch Stacey's lights out when suddenly a blur of auburn got between the two women. "Ladies, please don't fight!" The guy said and Astrid at least had to admire his guts for coming between what would have definitely been a catfight. Astrid looked the guy over and raised a brow, lanky build, auburn hair, green eyes behind nerdy looking glasses, wearing a big green sweater and khakis. 'Yup, definitely nerdy looking, but in an adorable kind of way. 'How haven't I noticed him before?' Astrid thought.

Astrid was snapped out of her thoughts, and silent ogling, not that she would ever admit that, when Stacey decided to open her big mouth again. "Watch it nerd. You shouldn't bud in where you aren't wanted. Know your place!" Stacey growled and shoved the guy against the lockers. "I could ruin you as well."

The guy simply shrugged while readjusting his glasses and then said "Not much to ruin if I don't have a social life."

This statement caused a twitch of irritation to appear on Stacey's face and some of the surrounding students tried to stifle their snickers. Stacey shot them a glare before strutting past the guy and Astrid, who she shoved with her shoulder.

Astrid rubbed her shoulder and then bent down to pick up her papers not noticing the guy doing the same thing. They ended up headbutting each other. "Ouch!!" Both yelped and Astrid drew back to glare at the guy. Suddenly all her pent up rage began to flow out and she started speaking without thinking.

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