|| The Winter Solider||

Start from the beginning

" Stark, this isn't the time," Kelly mumbled when Sharon raced past them.

" Follow me."

Daniella got to the main floor and dashed around the injured soldiers' halls to find Winter. She opened the last door and saw that her father was about to stun Winter on the other side of her. At the same time, Tony shot the sonic sound wave, Daniella threw a shield around Winter.

" Don't hurt him." She said sternly, but Tony didn't listen and sent a second wave hitting Winter this time.

Winter swung at Tony, grabbing a gun while Tony caught it with his Iron Man hand the minute Winter shot. He was a bit stunned at the action but took the loading clip out and punching Winter across the face. Winter quickly jabbed his elbow with Tony's face and threw him over a table. Next was Sharon, who dashed by Daniella, kicking Winter in the face and ducked.

Natasha came punching him in the stomach, then spinning to punch him in the groin. Kelly took the opportunity to kick the soldier, which worked perfectly. Kelly went invisible hitting Winter in different places, but Winter caught up to her pattern and grabbed her arm, flipping her across the room. Next, Sharon came back, putting her leg on Winter's shoulder, but missed as Winter flipped her over. In the corner of Daniella's eye, Mason, as a wolf, was about to take a chunk of Winter.

" No! " Daniella yelled, jumping in front of him and used a force field to block Mason. Mason huffed, turning back to human and punched Daniella, but she dodged it and flipped Mason over.

" Enough !" Daniella yelled, but Winter grabbed her by the neck and off her feet, thinking she was trying to hurt him. Daniella kicked her feet around, losing air as she cringed from the lack of air.

" Daniella! " Natasha yelled, seeing this and went to jump on his back, making him drop Daniella to the ground.

Natasha spun in his arms till his face was in her crotch as she jabbed him in the neck, but he slammed her against the table, making her lose her breath as he choked her.

" You could at least recognize me?" Natasha asked while Daniella looked confused, but it was short-lived as T'challa kicked Winter away.

" Daniella," Natasha said and ran over to her aid.

" I'm fine. I put a force field around my stomach." Daniella said, and Natasha nodded, helping her up.

" Go now! Daniella, this isn't your fight !" Natasha said, running after Bucky and T'challa.

" You're wrong it is," Daniella whispered and ran after them also, but more away from Natasha.

She looked to see T'challa lost Bucky. The real question was, where could they be. Sam ran outside along with many other workers to see the worker was gone entirely. The only thing left was his jacket.

" Sam! " He heard and turned to see Bonnie exit a little car and run to him.

" Where's Daniella and Steve?"

" I don't know, get back in the car,"

Steve, after climbing the elevator cords, got to the emergency staircase.

He opened the door to see Winter inside a helicopter about to leave. Winter saw Steve looking over and dashed over and grabbed the leg of the copter. The helicopter jerked downwards from Steve's weight while Bucky ground his teeth, frustrated.

Steve swung back and forth till his feet met the floor, where he used all his strength to try and bring the helicopter to the ground. His feet skidded across the ground and finally got a hold of a pole before falling off the edge. Steve used his right arm to pull the helicopter towards him while also using his left arm to keep him a hold.

Winter saw this and stared at how this guy didn't want him to leave at all. Still, he had a mission. Winter then jerked the Helicopter towards Steve, wanting to crush him, but Steve was quick enough to leap out the way as the blades broke off into different areas once landing on the concrete. Steve spun around as he saw the blades about to cut his head off, but ducked quickly as everything went silent.

He looked up inside the helicopter, making sure Bucky was okay, but only saw an arm coming at him. Winter broke through the glass and choked Steve the same time Daniella finally got to the roof. She saw the helicopter falling overboard and Steve with Bucky going with it. Her whole body was shot with despair as her feet felt like jello.

" Steve! Bucky! " She yelled, running as fast as she could, but the minute she almost got to them, the helicopter fell over board.

Daniella stared down below as it crashed and slowly sung. Her vision went dizzy, and she remembered Sokovia. Her screams filled her eyes, and she closed her eyes quickly, teleporting down below. When she got there, she saw Steve head along with Bucky's pop out of the water. She ran now faster as she put one hand on her stomach, relieved.

" Steve !" She said with joy, and she smiled, running into the water to help Bucky onshore.

" Hey, I'm okay," Steve said, hugging her while she held him, not wanting to let go.

" I thought you died for a minute." She cried.

" I know, babe. Come on." Steve said and placed Bucky over his shoulders.

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