Chapter 9

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~Anna's POV~

I didn't even realize I spent all day drawing until Mrs. Mary called me down for dinner. At this point I had about a quarter of it done, probable a bit less than a quarter.

I cleaned up all of my stuff and put it away before going downstairs and sitting at the table. I grabbed my plate and put some food on it before sitting down at the table.

"So," Mrs. Mary looked at me before continuing. "You've been awful quiet up in your room today. What have you been doing?" She asked me.

"Just drawing." I shrugged.

"Nice." Mrs. Mary clapped her hands, "can I see what you have done after we eat?" She asked.

"I guess." I shrugged, putting some food into my mouth.

The rest of dinner was mostly quiet, with a few small conversations here and there. After dinner, all the kids put their dishes in the sink and I helped Mrs. Mary clean all of them. After we were done cleaning the dishes and the table, Mrs. Mary followed me to my room.

"Hm?" I asked as I sat down at my desk.

"Can I see the drawings? Or did you change your mind?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, I just forgot." I said, pulling out my art book.

Mrs. Mary took the book from my hands and flipped through all of my drawings, new and old. She inspected each one before making a comment such as nice, good work, or something to that extent. When she got to the one of Kellin that I finished today she stopped, and her jaw dropped.

"This is fantastic!" She smiled, after a few moments of awkward silence. I just nodded as she flipped to the next drawing. "This is wonderful, keep up to good work." She smiled one last time before handing me my book back and leaving.

Once Mrs. Mary left, I closed my book and set it on my desk and grabbed some pajamas. I took a quick shower and changed into the pajamas. When I was done getting ready for bed I picked out some clothes for tomorrow so I can be ready early. I crawled into bed and set my alarm before closing my eyes.


This chapter is dedicated to @__nighthawk !! They blew up my notifications so yay!!☺️ Thanks for the support!! This is more of a filler chapter, I know I've said it the past couple chapters, but I know for a fact that alex comes to get her next chapter.

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