Chapter 1: My World

Start from the beginning


The TV was on the news channel and were talking about the dead people at the docks. "Again with this crap. Three nights in a row with people dead. Jesus, I thought San Diego was supposed to be a safe area, but nowhere is safe." A fat man said as he turns off the TV. The fat man had black hair, goatee, and is Mexican. He looked around his mid fifties. "It's the only thing that can make it to the news. Besides, our sports teams here suck so they wouldn't be talking about that." Another man said. He's around his mid twenties, but looks younger like a eighteen year old. The young man had light brown hair, brown eyes, and is white. He was placing the items on the shelves while the fat man was behind the cash register. They were in a liquor store working. "Whatever. Where is David?" The fat man asked and David comes out from back with a box. "Here." David walks to the young man. "Ben, let me take care of this. You go check on the items in the back." David said as Ben nods and walks to the back. "You took your sweet ass time over there. Don't you know we got customers here." The fat man said as David looks around and there's no one around. "Are you drunk again?" David asked. "No, God no. I don't drink anymore ." The fat man said as he sits on the stood. "Okay." David continue working on organizing the items on the shelves. "It's true. Ask my wife." The fat man pulls out a mint and eats it. "I thought your wife left you Fred." David respond in a negative way. "Shut your mouth and get back to work." Fred threat David, but doesn't seem to care. "Whatever." David just ignore him and continue working.


David was sitting at a table in Chicano Park drinking a beer can from a six pack. He finished two of them and is at his third. There were also birds flying around and one of them was just a crow who lands on a roof chirping. The birds flew away and only the crow was left standing there. As he was sitting, a German Shepard dog comes by and places it's head on David's lap. "Hey Booker, no luck today boy." David said. "Don't worry, there's always another day." David stood up and Booker looks up to him. "Come on, let's head home. You must be hungry." David then started walking and Booker walked next to him leaving the two empty beer cans on the table.

A few minutes later, David and Booker were inside their apartment. David was in the kitchen getting a bag. David gets dog food and goes out to the balcony. He puts food on the bowl and Booker went straight away to start eating. David puts the bag away and sits on the couch to relax. He left the door open from the balcony so Booker could go in whatever he wants. David was already on his fourth and just kept drinking. After a moment, Booker came back and sat next to David. David looks to his side to look at him. Booker then started licking David's face. Booker kept going and David then started petting him to make him stop. "Okay that's enough." David said as Booker stop and David sits up. Booker places it's head on David's lap and David touches Booker's head. "Alright boy, I'm gonna get some shut eyes right now so you don't start barking unless there's someone at that door. Understood?" David said as Booker barked. David feels Booker's head and stands up. David goes into his room and shuts the door.


David was on top of a construction building at Downtown San Diego. David had a little bit of hangover, but felt sober enough to be out there. He was wearing a black leather jacket with black gloves. Black pants and a black hood. He also is wearing a black bandana around his neck. Got two pistols in his belt along with a double barrel shotgun on his back. Four small knifes around his both wrists, an machete behind his back, and an hidden blade on his left arm. David was sitting on the edge looking down on the city. "Quite the view up here." David said to himself as he listens carefully. "Time to go to work." He pulls his black bandana up to cover his mouth. "May the God protect my soul." David was holding a Jesus cross necklace then puts it under his jacket and starts heading downstairs.

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