Chapter 2 The Enforcers Take Their Place

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“Sandu and Sorin both you need to get cleaned up and have your bags down here as soon as you are done so they can be packed on the Queens jet before we all sit down to eat our last breakfast together” Blaine instructed them as they were headed for the stairs.

“Yes mother we won't be long” They ran up the stairs two at a time as usual, while the twins Emari and Emmie gracefully went up them one at a time; holding the railing with one hand each, their twin with the other. Blaine looking up at the difference thinking. 'Girls what a difference more graceful that boys always in a rush to do things' She is thinking as she turns from watching them to enter the kitchen to talk to Tamsin.

“Hi Tamsin honey how are you today?” sounding truthfully interested in her well-being as Tamsin smiles back from her place at the stove.

“I am well you highness just getting your breakfast ready to put on the table for you and your guest” She said back to her while stirring a big pot of something on the stove.

“That is great I will leave you to your work then. I will be upstairs getting Master Camdon up” Blaine said as she left heading for the stairs once more.

Queen Verena had been awake for the last thirty minutes, ever since Blaine went and popped that bag to wake the children up, it also woke the Queen up so she just rose and dressed in her usual Victorian dress of Maroon and Gold. Then she sat at her desk making calls all over the world. She had so much work to do getting their children ready to take over for them, Sending out E-Mails to all 10,000 reporting agents throughout the world. These new satellite E-Mail linkups were so much faster than the old wired one from back in her time. She called back home a few times to check in with Viorel through her satellite phone they all just received another modern day miracle, no more slow cell phone that used to drop out every few minutes, these go straight through walls and roofs nothing stops them.

When Queen Verena was finished all her official business she came strolling out of her bedroom/office into the lounge room smelling Tamsin's wonderful cooking she made an abrupt turn into the kitchen snatching a piece of extra thick bacon off of a plate Tamsin has set down on the counter behind her. “Blaine don't you go sneaking any of that food till it goes into the dining room you get out of my kitchen you hear me girl” Tamsin said never turning around to see who entered her kitchen.

“But it is only one piece of bacon it smelled so good you sure I can't have just one piece Giggle” The Queen said right back to her.

“Crash” Tamsin dropped a plate on the floor turning around curtsying deeply to the floor bowing her head. “Forgive me my Queen for my disrespect I meant not to speak to you in such a harsh manor. It was unforgivable of me” Tamsin was shaking just then Blaine walked into the kitchen noticing Tamsin cursing to the Queen with her head deeply bowed shaking.

“What is going on in here Tamsin? My Queen? Somebody? Anybody?” Blaine tried to find out, but the Queen was just standing there waiting watching Tamsin for a long moment before she spoke.

“Rise Tamsin you did no wrong, as you were. I was just teasing you a bit sorry about that. I do it to Maria all the time” She was smiling at Tamsin now giving her that million watt smile.

“No your Majesty I was wrong in what I said I should have looked first before I spoke, for that I am truly sorry” Tamsin apologized once more.

“Well apology accepted then don't let it happen again. Oh by the way great bacon cooked just the way I love it” She said as she wrapped her arm over Blaine's shoulder leading her into the dining room to take a seat to chat while waiting for breakfast and to sip a cup of morning coffee.

“So what happened back there do I have staff problems?” Blaine asked concerned for her disrespect for the Queen when she walked in on them.

“Nope I snuck in behind her snatching a piece of bacon from the plate and got caught, I wasn't quiet enough, she told me to quit it that it was for the guests breakfast to leave it alone Blaine, giggle” Popping the p when she said nope then giggling about it.

“Oh yes I am forever doing that to her behind her back and she is always catching me also. How she senses me is beyond me” Blaine said shaking her head.

“I wouldn't worry your little head over it you know how I am with Maria every morning we still tease each other, though Wilda is getting better with it after all these years” thinking back at the first time when Maria smacked her on the back of the hand with a spoon and Wilda freaked out seeing it. That was so funny. So may good memories in the past.

In walk five late teenaged children all ready for breakfast just as Tamsin rounds the corner of the doorway to the dining room laden with food headed for the wing table. She places the food down on the table and heads back for more, after three trips it is all set out.

“Tamsin please join us for breakfast” Queen Verena requested her presence. She looked shocked to say the least.

“As you wish my Queen” Tamsin sat down wiping her hands on a tea towel, gracefully taking her seat across from Anton. Camdon at one end of the table the Queen at the head, Blaine next to Camdon, the children on either side of the table.

“Thank you Tamsin you did such a nice job preparing our meal I just wanted you to join us we will be leaving, soon and I felt you would at least like one last meal with the twins Sandu and Sorin before they left for the US” The Queen said to her.

“Thank You My Queen. Yes I would like that very much they are fine boys I will miss them greatly around here” a tear forming at her eye she was trying to not let it show.

They all sat there each one getting up in turn to get what they wanted in the way of food to eat. They sat at the table eating, talking, laughing, and having a good old time. After the meal was finished the Queen rose from her chair picking up her plate headed into the kitchen along with everyone else then she went back into the dining room to help clear away the rest of the dishes.

“My Queen you don't have to do that, that is my job!” Tamsin stated she was shocked to see the Queen her Queen helping clean up after they all ate their breakfast together.

“Puff” the Queen blue out a puff of air blowing up her bangs that had fallen into her eyes. “I am no different that anyone else here I ate so I can help clean up after myself you go into the kitchen and clean up in there we will handle it in here” She shooed Tamsin away into the kitchen as she proceeded to finish cleaning up the dining room with the help of Blaine and the children while Camdon was off to the office checking up on business down there.

“Last thing here you go, only the tables need a good wipe down I will leave that up to you when you are all finished sweetie” the Queen turned and walked out of the kitchen and into the lounge with all the children and Blaine, “We leave in one hour you boys all packed up and ready to go?” She asked.

“Yes your Highness we are, our bags are all loaded onto your jet ready to go” They both said in unison. She smiled at them sitting down with Blaine for a last few minutes before they have to leave to head back to Queensland, PA back to Ravenwood Manor where the boys would meet their mates the other pair of twins waiting so patiently for their arrival.

They left by noon time that day flying nonstop back to the US. The return trip took eight hours and forty-five minutes this time due to the weather they had to fly around, and landing was no better, they had to land in a driving rain storm. They finally got there tired from the long flight, and very hungry. They dragged themselves into the manor to the cheers of the rest of the family. One look told everyone that this was no cheering matter they were all exhausted and worst for wear.

Hunter swung his arm around his wife's waist bringing her in close to his side for a side to side hug. “Had a bad flight I see why not let daddy kiss it all better” as Hunter planted a kiss on her delicate pink lips ever so gently at first then deepening it ever so slightly, raising a finger to her lower lip running it along the lower edge asking for permission, she opened just enough for Hunter to invade her innermost recesses with his tongue kissing her deeply releasing all her tension in the process. They broke the contact it was so brief, but long enough to let the Queen knew she was missed, and how much Hunter liked having her back with him. The children were off to their rooms leaving the grow ups to their own devices. Tomorrow begins another chapter, a new chapter of the Enforcers. Tonight they rested.

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