Jimin reminded himself to make fun of Yoongi later about his choice of kitchen utensils.

"I'm going to show you how I do this, I would appreciate it if you'd do it for me sometimes in the future." Yoongi looked up to him, quickly catching his lips for a peck, then pulling back to grin. "I kinda hate doing it myself, you know.." he trailed off, nuzzling in the crook of Jimin's neck innocently.

The younger hummed, affection flooding his body, filling him to the brim. He felt like bursting, and found himself dumbfounded. How had he come to adore this man to this extent in such a sort amount of time?

"Like you hate every activity that acquires you to stand straight for over ten minutes?" Jimin liked making fun of Yoongi. But it was kinda hard, because the older never got butthurt easily, completely different from Jimin.
Like now. Jimin had definitely tried to lure out an annoyed reaction, but Yoongi just mumbled a bit in reply and replaced his nose with his lips to place soft kisses onto the warm skin.
And he knew Yoongi was just trying to woo him when he felt teeth pulling at it, but he still went with it: "Sure hyung, I'd love to."

The older nibbled a last time, swiping the tip of his tongue over it after, and pulled away, grinning. "Okay, so,"
Yoongi went to spoon some of the powder soap into the bowl.

"Right now, I'm making the soap to get off most of the ink." with practiced movements Yoongi capped the bottle again with one hand, lifting the bowl with the other.
"Because these drawings are meant to be semi-pernament, it won't work with just soap and hard scrubbing. I have to mix this kind of dish soap with water to make a stronger one, you know?"

Jimin didn't know, but he nodded anyway. The bowl got held under the tap, Yoongi opening and closing it again soon after. He mixed it with the soap wth his cute spoon, and Jimin pulled up his upper lip.

The older chuckled. "Yeah I know, doesn't look that tasty," he softly knocked his knuckles against Jimin's temple, "but isn't spposed to look tasty. Remember love, don't eat it."

Again with the nickname. Wow.

"Okay, so what I want you to do now is put some of the soap on the drawings and scrub with this," he handed Jimin the bowl and the steel wool brush. Jimin frowned down at it.
"But hyung, won't it hurt if I use this?"

Yoongi simply shrugged. "A bit. But I can handle it, don't worry."
Jimin bit on his lip, looking down at the brush thoughtfully. The older smiled fondly and knocked his knuckles again.
"Hey there. Don't worry. I've done this many times, I'm used to it. It doesn't even hurt anymore, it just itches a lot, okay?"

His boyfriend was silent for another moment before releasing his bottom lip, now with two little indents in it. Yoongi tried not to stare. Jimin nodded. "Okay then. Which ones?"

Yoongi pointed some out, most of them on his forearm, where once Jimin's name had been. That was only two weeks ago. Jimin nodded and got ready to put the soap on the first one, but then Yoongi pointed at the vibrant pink shake on his other arm and mumbled: "and then this one," and Jimin pouted.

He ran a thumb over it. "Really hyung? You want to get rid of it?"

Yoongi sighed. "Yes, you idiot," Jimin liked 'love' better, "it would be fading soon anyway. Don't want to give it enough time to lose its beauty."
His thumb joined jimin's on the drawing, then smoothing over Jimin's soft skin to link them. "But don't worry, you'll get another one right after, okay?"

The corners of Jimin's mouth curled up, and with them the ones of his eyes as well. The sight made Yoongi think of a crescent moon and he held it in the back of his mind, as a drawing reference.
Jimin's hand curled around his wrist. "Here? Do I get another one here?"

Yoongi looked down at the place Jimin was indicating, his veins looking like they got placed on top of his pale skin instead of under it, that's how obvious blue they were.
"You sure? Right here," Yoongi slid his arm further into Jimin's loose grip, making it fall around the spot where his skin was a bit less translucent, "the drawings come out better in the end. My veins tend to ruin them."

Jimin looked at him through his lashes. "I like your veins." His gaze fell back onto them. "Can I draw on them?"
Yoongi found himself tripping over his words, as he thought of being drawn on by Jimin. That night of the party, it had felt so good to be filled with things that were made by Jimin. It made him feel like he was Jimin's, completely. He imagined having his drawings on him for over a month.
"O- of cou-course you can!" Yoongi practically yelled, making Jimin giggle. "And if you want hyung," Jimin said, "you can draw here," his grip around Yoongi's forearm tigtened slighlty, then loosened again, "right under mine."

The older shivered a bit, surprised at how quick the atmosphere had done a 180. He leaned further into Jimin's touch, who grinned and said: "Now! Let's get these off!"

Yoongi let one of his hands fall onto his shorts, the other on the hem of Jimin's shirt, debating on which had to go first.

"Your drawings, hyung," Jimin half laughed, looking down at Yoongi's hands, "not our clothes."



"Ah really, hyung," Jimin whined into Yoongi's skin. He had successfully scrubbed most of the ink off, but Yoongi's normally perfectly porcelain skin was now decorated with red raw spots, and not the good kind. The younger was trying to ease it by breathing on them, but Yoongi didn't seem bothered, reaching out for the packet of sugar instead.

"I'm fine, love, really. If you breath on it like that, it just tickles. Come, look up, I'll show the last thing."

"There's more? Does it also contain scrubbing hyung?" Jimin was still whining, but had gone to sit straight and watch Yoongi mix sugar with water.
"Yes, it does."

"Then I'm not doing it! It looks like it really hurts, and I don't want to hurt you, really hyung," he tried pushing the bowl out of Yoongi's reach, who just followed along and mixed it a bit better. He leaned back, placing large hands on Jimin's knees.

"Look here. If you're not going to, fine. But then I will do it, because it has to happen either way. This," he put some of the mix onto the spoon, laying a layer on one of the red spots, "makes sure all the dead cells of my skin that contain some of the ink get scrubbed off. It gets rid of the last bits and pieces. After that," he picked up the wool brush and started scrubbing it in himself, Jimin watched as the red spot got redder, "you can blow on them for as long as you want."

"Fine. But you can bet your ass I'm not doing it."

Yoongi simply hummed and kept on scrubbing, although a bit unhandy as he was scrubbing on his right arm, so with his left hand. Jimin watched for another moment, until he sighed deeply and plucked the brush from Yooni's hand to do it himself.
"Come 'ere, you're just sad to look at."

Yoongi grinned in satisfaction.

(because if Jimin had stopped and thought about it, Yoongi should be perfectly ambidextrous, as there were drawings on both of his arms and hands. Yoongi didn't think about telling him, forgetting about it temporary)

A/N; hurray for inconsistent update shedules, am I right? here you go, next chapter will probably be even more fluff, consisting of drawing and maybe some yoonkook action (if you didn't know, that's totally my guilty pleasure bangtan ship) so I hope you'll look forward to it!

-p.s.: am I the only one who started crying as soon as the New Year's Bangtan Bomb (with their wishes) started and couldn't stop? Right until the end (the fact that it was Yoongi's recorded voice with just a picture of the little stand broke me down), it just kept coming. It's a weird thing to think about it, how attached I've come to all of them.

(also, about that twitter, if any of you start following us through here, you should totally tweet us saying you came from here, that'd be so cool!)

have a nice day! (and let's hope I don't get stuck on this again)

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