Chapter 3

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Impossible things are possible when you learn to see things with the heart.



Sasuke Uchiha stirred from his position and grunted as the cold, hard floor cradled his figure. But when he finally came to his senses after recognizing the angelic voice, he immediately sat up, despite the headache he felt by doing so. He squinted his eyes and saw the love of his life running to his aid. And that made him smile.


She then hugged him, as if all her fears vanished by their mere physical contact. He weakly wrapped her arms around her waist and locked the sobbing pinkette in his embrace. He got a chance to assess the situation. Looking around, the Uchiha noticed the tall, glimmering glass walls that encaged them. It was surreal, really.. One moment, he was being attacked in his own bedroom, then the next, this?

He sighed. There's no use in contemplating the past events anymore. Sasuke needs to be strong for the pinkette.

"Sakura, what happened to you?" He softly asked, combing her unruly hair with the use of his fingers. She momentarily pulled away from their hug and wiped the tears that stained her pretty face. Sasuke would never get tired of looking at her.

"S-Sasuke.. He came. I-It was dark...and a man came then pierced his sword through m-my chest. I don't know what happened after..t-then I woke up here." She managed to say in between her sobs. Sakura Haruno is an emotionally unstable person. She doesn't often show this other side of hers, but now seems to be the safest time to just let it out.

Let all the fears she felt evaporate with her tears.

She doesn't need to act all though and mighty in a situation like this, Sasuke knows that too.

Something's happening to them and whether they like it or not, they will have to face the inevitable, together.

Because what's life without the beauty of taking chances?


Sakura Haruno's POV

"What are we going to be now?" The man beside me asked, but I was too preoccupied with the large door ahead of us. Maybe because it's the only thing in here that isn't made of glass. "I reckon we need to go through that door," I said absentmindedly. Sasuke was hesitant, I can feel it.

"What's waiting for us on the other side?"

I looked up and smiled bitterly at me. I'm not sure. It was then when I drifted my gaze to my right hand did I realize a black bruise slowly spreading across my skin. What the heck? I hid my hand behind my back when Sasuke turned to grab my other hand.

Somehow, someway.. His touch made mr everything feel better. Is that even possible? When a single person's touch can mean the world to you? That's why falling in love is frightening. It's like everything is magnified. You start noticing the small changes that can be of great effect someday. We all start being a little more observant and selfish that turning back to your comfort zone wouldn't be as easy as before.

Together, hand in hand, we walked until the huge door was infront of us. With a light push, it opened and soon enough, we stepped inside the deadly darkness.

An abyss was on the other side. No soul dare disturb the deafening silence that enveloped me and Sasuke.


The air was suddenly filled with the noise produced by a clock. I spun around and saw the entrance gone. Chills went up my spine especially when Sasuke dragged me to run somewhere.

✔ Against Odds [SasuSaku]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang