Chapter 1

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When love works its magic, not even fate itself can stand in its way.


It was a fine day in Konoha City and Sakura Haruno was peacefully resting under the shade of a tree near the park. It was Saturday and her apartment is just a few blocks away. Clearly, she really had nothing else better to do than read a good book on a sunny day and let the passersby wonder why she was there.

Their occasional weirded stares would make her feel uneasy but in a matter of seconds, the pinkette would brush it off and remind herself that she wasn't breathing to please anyone.

Sakura Haruno wasn't your average teenage high school girl. Well, she wasn't normal as far as normal can be defined. Not unless having visions of the future can be considered, of course.

Her emerald green eyes darted off into a distance where she spotted a couple having a fight.

The girl would attempt to walk away but unfortunately, some kid will leave his toy car on the ground, making her trip.. But of course, the guy will rush to her aid and catch her before she fell to the ground. They would stare in each others' eyes and kiss, completely forgetting about their earlier issues. Sakura sighed and averted her eyes back to her book. And in two years' time, they will get married and have a baby boy named Stephen.

"Well, thats about it." She muttered to herself and continued her reading trance.

She was used to this stuff. Seeing other people's future is like reading a book for her. A book her she can easily predict the ending. My life sucks. "Seeing the future before events can actually unfold is making me hungry." She managed to close the book again and started gathering her belongings when someone spoke.

"Who are you talking to?"

Sakura sat straight and looked around. No one. Damn.. Can she talk to ghosts now too? Oh, can things get any worse?

A soft thud interrupted her sulking thoughts and when she looked up, she had an idea things are gonna get worse.

There infront of her stood a raven-haired boy who clearly jumped down from the tree she was resting at. His jet-black locks accompanied by marvelous deep obsidian orbs contrasted his pale skin color. He was wearing a Green Day shirt and some pitch black jeans...and was staring right at her.

Sakura scoffed. "Well, surely I wasn't talking to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some pebbles to count."

The pinkette clutched her bag and got up, but before she could even get as far as three feet, the raven-haired boy called after her,

"You're weird!"

What the heck? She spun around and glared at her. The nerve of this boy to even insult her! Well, yeah. She was used to being called "weird" all the time.. But he didn't have to point it out as if it was the most obvious thing on the planet!

"I am! Thanks for the reminder." Sarcasm laced in her tone. Sakura only got infuriated more when the guy chuckled at her reddened face. She squinted her eyes, trying to get a glimpse of what this bastard's future is. Maybe he'll get run over by a truck. That'll be hilarious. But to her amazement, she saw nothing.

Her eyes widened. What? Nothing?

"Staring is rude, honey. I'm Sasuke, by the way."

She drifted her gaze at his outstretched hand but instead of shaking it, she shook her head and turned the other way, muttering 'maybe I'm just tired. Yeah that's it.' And walked off.

Meanwhile, Sasuke Uchiha frowned at her rudeness. She seriously has some nerves to reject shaking my hand. But even so, he couldn't help but feel amused at her antics. Clearly, she wasn't like the other girls which sparked Sasuke's curiosity for her, and that's saying something.

✔ Against Odds [SasuSaku]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora